Azalea. Muslim name meaning "soothing"

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the female name Azalea, its origin, history, learn about options for the interpretation of the name.

Full Name - Azalea

Short name - Aza, Zalya

Synonyms for the name - Aza

Name Day - Not Celebrating

Zodiac - Capricorn

Planet - Saturn

Color - Lead

Animal - Turtle

Plant - Pine

Stone - Chalcedony, Obsidian

The origin of this name is unclear. According to one version, it was formed from an unprepossessing short eponymous shrub, which at the time of flowering dresses in lush flowers. According to another version, the name comes from the Arabic language, where in relation to the female name means "soothing" or "comforting".

Love named azalea

The bearer of this name loves catchy outfits and accessories, trying to emphasize with them their individuality and originality. Having a pretty pretty appearance, she attracts the attention of the opposite sex. But not with every man she agrees to maintain close relations. She needs a man who will appreciate her not only for her external attractiveness, but also for her character, which is not very simple. Her chosen one should have courage and courage, be noble and generous. In general - the prince on a white horse. However, these do not often come across in the way of young girls, so Azalea may experience disappointment from the first feeling of falling in love, if it is not mutual.

Azalea Sexuality

A woman is naturally endowed with developed intuition, great temperament and sensuality. She accurately determines the inner essence of the partner and builds intimate relationships based on how much a man respects her feelings, shares her vision of the world and life principles. She is experienced enough in love, and if the partner meets all her requirements, she can give him many sweet minutes. Strongly does not accept rudeness and cruelty in his chosen one. Following its principles of being open to all, the bearer of this name sometimes thereby spoils her relationship with a loved one. She is trying to put too many social problems on her fragile shoulders, while pushing personal relationships into the background.

Marriage and family named Azalea

This woman was originally aimed at creating a strong and positive family in every sense. Only by becoming a wife and mother does she manifest all the best qualities of her character. But she has one weakness that can negatively affect family relationships. This is her constant concern about global global issues, where she wants to be directly involved in resolving them. She copes with all the hardships of family life, and she still has time to work and social work. Anyone can envy her activity and fortitude. She is a faithful wife and girlfriend for her husband. A loving mother for her children, in whom she does not have a soul. An excellent hostess who has cozy, comfortable and always has delicious food in her house.

Business and career

Possessing sufficient leadership abilities and a sense of personal responsibility for the task entrusted, this woman may well become a successful business lady. In addition, she absolutely does not like to obey anyone. She will work regardless of feeling unwell or mood. Azalea will not begin to persuade subordinates to complete the task for a long time, it is easier for her to saddle everything herself than to wait for help from someone. She can be realized as an excellent specialist in any field of activity. A strong and strong-willed character does not give her a reason to push others around. In any team, she enjoys well-deserved respect. She is close to such professions as a teacher or university teacher.

The meaning of the name Azalea in character

The main virtue of the character of this woman is her exceptional responsibility and reliability. She takes any job without further ado, not complaining about the severity and not asking for help from others. A physically strong and active woman has enough strength for everything - professional work and fulfilling family obligations. Modest and shy from nature, she does not expect praise for her work, but deep down she still hopes to hear it. Despite the strong will and firm character, nevertheless, she never enters into disputes and conflicts, preferring to retreat, but remaining her own opinion. Due to her shyness and low self-esteem, this woman does not seek to take a leadership position, although she can completely cope with any job. The warm-hearted and non-malignant Azalea does not wish anyone bad, and he does not remember offense for a long time. But betrayal and betrayal will not forgive. However, she will not find out the details, just stop all relations with that person whom she can no longer trust.

Teen Azalea

A girl at an early age declares herself as a serious and responsible person. Therefore, in the children's team and further at school, it enjoys authority among peers. She always knows what she should do at this moment and does not deviate from her plan. She is very kind, but also touchy. If her work is not appreciated for a long time, she can lock herself in her sink for a long time. The attention of family and friends is extremely important for this person.

Successful people and stars:

Azalea Dolgova is a Russian legal scholar, professor and doctor of law. President of the Russian Criminological Association

Azalea (Aza) Likhitchenko - Russian television presenter of the Soviet period, people's artist of Russia

Azalea Banks - rap singer

Azalia Zinnatova, stage name Zinnat - Russian pop singer

Azalea Iggy (real name Amethyst Amelia Kelly) is an Australian hip-hop singer, songwriter

Perfect compatibility: Timothy, Mark, Timur, Eugene, Oleg

Meaning: from the name of the flower

Azalea Meaning - Interpretation

The name Azalea is of Arab origin and means “permanent”, “eternal”. There is another version of the interpretation of this name. It is believed that Azalea comes from the Greek word "azaleos", which means "dried up." According to the third option, the name translates as "flowering shrub." In Russia, it is given mainly to girls from Muslim families.

In a year

Azalea grows up as a rather energetic and sociable child, who is characterized by curiosity. Most often, this is a mobile and kind girl who does not know how to sit in one place for a long time.

In childhood, the girl has many friends. She studies well at school, and the craving for everything new helps in this. Be sure, in addition to schoolwork, Azalea should be carried away by something else. And optimally, if the hobby is associated with physical activity, since the activity of this child requires an exit.

Parents of the girl may be faced with the fact that she will look for a lesson for herself for a long time, visiting various clubs - dance, sports. And the baby in this sense should not be rushed. After all, what she can really get carried away with will help her develop character traits necessary for adulthood.

In adolescence, Azalea tries to steadfastly and calmly go through all the difficulties that arise on the way. In difficult moments, the girl will seek support from loved ones with whom she is not embarrassed to be frank and not ashamed to talk about her fears.

But he will not complain in a difficult situation, but will only share the details of what is happening. And such an attitude to life helps Azaleas easily overcome all emerging problems and difficulties. Studying with enthusiasm and quite successfully at a university or institute. Teachers like her responsible approach to learning.

From the very beginning of her studies, Azalea begins to think about her future choice of profession. It is important for her that the business she will be engaged in brings more benefit and inner satisfaction than monetary reward.

Growing up, Azalea begins to understand that it is important for her to be in demand. This applies to friends, and men, and work. A woman wants her interests to be taken into account as well, trying to take into account the desires of her inner circle. Moments very idealistic and absolutely can not stand the pettiness. She is more concerned about global issues than a quarrel with a loving person.

But in Azalea there is also a certain maximalism, due to which she still tries to please everyone. Such a woman does not tolerate injustice and rudeness, since in such cases she begins to shut herself in herself. In the work team, she immediately attracts people to herself, since she not only has a good sense of humor, but also tries to help every colleague who needs it if possible.

Azalea Character

He has the ability to unite people around him, gladly takes on the obligations of other personalities. Very mandatory, she always tries to keep this word. Azalea is sociable and open, which often becomes the soul of the company.

Has a good sense of humor and self-irony. She needs to constantly discover new aspects of the world around her. And during such discoveries, Azalea tries to attract the attention of people who themselves are attracted to her due to her immediacy.

The disadvantages of Azalea include excessive straightforwardness. She does not know how to forgive betrayal, deleting such a person from her life forever and not fully understanding the situation. Sometimes too gullible, so it can become a victim of deception.

It can react painfully to grievances and failures, but it will never outwardly show its disappointment and especially will not take revenge on those who hurt her.

The fate of Azalea

In childhood and adolescence, Azaleas are all given with extraordinary ease. The problems themselves are resolved, and complex barriers are gradually overcome. Entering adulthood, the girl, in spite of her efforts and increased industriousness, will not seek to conquer the career peaks, especially if at this moment she is involved in love suffering. But by the age of 35, he can still think about how to completely change his sphere of activity, and will begin to wish for some success in new endeavors. A woman with that name is getting married early enough, but she is in no hurry with the birth of children.

  and money

  and family

  and love


  and hobbies

Career, business and money

Despite the fact that Azalea strives to be a reliable and very executive employee, she does not want the pressure to move up the career ladder. A woman with this name is deprived of managerial ambitions, due to which she can sit for a long time at one workplace.

Money is not an end in itself for her either. Quality is always more important to her than quantity. Azalea can do whatever it takes with inspiration. She has a very developed intuition, and it is with her that a woman is guided in making many decisions.

Marriage and family

If Azalea makes the right choice for her other half, then most often her family union can be considered harmonious and happy. A woman tries not to separate her family and work, successfully combining these spheres.

He loves children and enjoys everyday life. He tries to be faithful to his chosen one to the end. Thanks to a sense of exclusive responsibility, she becomes a wonderful matter.

Sex and love

Azalea falls in love easily and can quickly stop loving a person if he causes her a lot of mental pain. Tries to look for a man of equal spirit. He will never build relationships with someone who is weaker and more uncertain than her.

Sexual relationships for this woman more become an addition to love. This means that sexual intercourse without serious feelings and intentions is unacceptable to her.


In childhood, Azalea grows up as a strong child, and parents rarely have to deal with a cold or viral diseases in a baby. But even in adolescence, lung problems can begin, and the onset of asthma symptoms is likely.

Azalea has an active bladder, which in the future can lead to severe and frequent pain in the lumbar region. It is possible to advise for therapeutic and preventive purposes the use of renal collections and decoctions of lingonberry leaves. It is very useful to walk in the forest zone.

Hobbies and hobbies

Given its activity, Azaleas need to choose what will be associated with mobility. It can be a variety of dances - from waltz to hip hop.

Often she is attracted to men's sports sections. Therefore, sometimes this woman can be found playing football or fencing.

The name Azalea, of Muslim origin, is perfect for any girl. It gives the owner strong and positive character traits, as well as a happy fate. The meaning of the name Azalea is of several options.

  • The first is considered the most common - it says that the nickname comes from the name of the plant of the same name, which in a normal period looks like a bush, but during flowering it becomes incredibly beautiful.
  • The second version says that the name Azalea is of Arab origin and means “eternity” in translation. Everyone has the right to choose the version that suits him best.

Girls   with the name Azalea are distinguished by curiosity and a craving for new sensations. From childhood, they strive to learn as much as possible, and parents will forgive help in this. Instead of playing with peers, they often choose to read books or watch cognitive programs. All this craving for new information intensifies with admission to school.

The owner of the name Azalea may have particular interest in the humanities - in literature and language. In the future, she may even choose the profession of a teacher, and she will cope with such work perfectly.

In adulthood   she becomes a wonderful hostess and keeps her house clean and tidy. She is hospitable, loves to cook and never asks loved ones to help her with the housework.

  • By the way, a woman named Azalea is always ready to support relatives both financially and mentally.
  • She has a very developed sense of duty, which is why she cannot leave her friends, parents or children in an unpleasant situation.

Among the negative character traits, intolerance to the mistakes of others and unwillingness to understand the existing difficulties can be noted. A person whom she considers a traitor, she can impulsively delete from life. And she is unlikely to forgive him.

Love and family

The name Azalea is inherent in sensitive and emotional girls, so for them love can become both real happiness and the greatest tragedy. Relatives should be next to the girl as a teenager so that she can be supported, comforted, or advised on time.

It is important that the bearer of the name Azalea understands that if suddenly failure happens in love, then life does not end there.

Having married, the family and career become equally important for her.   She cannot separate these two parts of life, therefore it is always difficult for her if she has to make a choice. She wants to give birth to children and will certainly bring up herself, instilling in them a love of knowledge and kindness to others.


A woman named Azalea is not one of those who are ready to sit at home all her life or do only household chores. Work can be an outlet for her and a way of self-expression, if she likes.

Azalea Zinnat (Tatar singer)

  • The most successful profession will be teaching, work related to creativity, as well as to text.
  • Doing business where you need to repeat the same actions day after day or work painstakingly should not be. This will only lead to disappointment and dissatisfaction with yourself.
  • With colleagues, a carrier named Azalea often gets along, as she knows how to find an approach to each person.
  • However, it may conflict with people who impose their opinions on her or intrigue her.
  • She knows how to stand up for herself, despite her kind and gentle character. Therefore, it is better not to get in her way.


The meaning of the name Azalea on health is quite tangible. Carriers of this nickname can not boast of strong immunity, therefore they often suffer from viral diseases. In addition, problems with the respiratory tract and musculoskeletal system are possible.

You should pay attention to nutrition, as an improper diet will lead to excess weight, which will not only negatively affect the appearance, but also cause some ailments. At least from time to time you should follow a diet and arrange fasting days.

Short form of the name Azalea.   Aza, Azochka, Azka, Zalya, Hall.
Synonyms for Azalea.   Aza.
The origin of the name Azalea.   The name Azalea is Muslim, Greek.

The name Azalea, translated from Greek, means "flowering shrub." The name comes from the name of the flower of the same name - azaleas. The peculiarity of this plant is that it is a completely nondescript dwarf shrub, but is completely transformed during flowering.

But there is another version that the name Azalea is of Arab origin and translates as “comforting”, “soothing”.

Do not be confused with another consonant female name - Azariah. Aza's diminutive treatment is also an independent name.

The thoughts of Azalea are invariably connected with life and work, and she devotes her life to the fulfillment of her duty. Only having her favorite work, involving the personal responsibility of the girl, Azalea can be a leader and able to experience a sense of satisfaction.

Azalea remembers his duty at work and at home. She is a leader who realizes herself in the responsibility that she is able to assume. Despite the strong and strong-willed nature, Azalea is extremely tolerant of others. She will not ask or order, but rather will do everything herself.

Azalea has the ability to science and pedagogy. She will cope well with humanitarian subjects and teaching at the university. The girl has a strongly developed sense of responsibility, and despite the fact that she is a person of mood, Azalea can order herself to fulfill her duty in any conditions. In fact, Azalea is able to do any work in which it will be in demand.

The norm of life for a girl with this name is a family. She really appreciates and loves stability in everything. Wife picks himself up wisely. Azalea is well versed in men and does not allow itself to be rude and boorish. She firmly follows her principles and spiritual requirements. Azalea reveals her femininity only in the family, being next to a regular partner. At the same time, the chosen one of a woman should accept her life principles, value her sense of duty and tolerance.

Azalea becomes a good mother and wife. Although she loves praise, she will not ask for her out of modesty. Azalea does not separate the concepts of family and work. Both that, and another forms the basis of stability of her life. She strives to achieve high goals and great responsibility. This is what allows her to fully appreciate herself.

Azalea diligently avoids quarrels and conflicts. She herself does not hold evil at anyone, does not seek to avenge anyone, and she never envies.

Birthday Azaleas

Azalea does not celebrate a name day.

Famous people named Azalea

  • Azalia Dolgova ((born 1937) is a Soviet, Russian legal scholar, criminologist, doctor of legal sciences, professor. Member of the expert council of the State Duma Anti-Corruption Commission. President of the Russian Criminological Association.)
  • Aza (Azalea) Likhitchenko ((born 1937) Soviet TV presenter, People's Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Azalea Banks (aspiring rap artist, her song “Bambi” was performed at the Terry Mugler fashion show in Paris)
  • Azalea Zinnatova (Zinnat) (singer)

Translated from Greek, the name "Azalea" means " flowering shrub". The name comes from the same name of the flower - azaleas. The main feature of this plant is that, being a completely nondescript shrub, it opens up and acquires incredible beauty during flowering. According to the second version, the name "Azalea" is Arabic, and means "comforting", "soothing."

Little Azalea is an energetic, sociable, kind and agile girl. She has many friends and there is no difficulty finding a common language with strangers for Azalea. In addition, Azalea is a reliable and loyal friend. She enjoys authority among peers even at a young age.

Azalea is a calm and balanced girl. She is very tolerant of the flaws of others. This is the person who does not point to them directly, but unobtrusively and subtly can point out the interlocutor’s shortcomings, at the same time throwing him an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to best eliminate them.

Azalea does not like to conflict.   The girl seeks to evade quarrels and conflicts and herself does not hold any evil and never takes revenge. Tolerant of others, Azalea sometimes makes exorbitant demands on herself. She seeks to do everything herself, rather than ask, or even more so order others.

In the professional field, Azalea gravitates to the humanities. She has high pedagogical abilities, can be interested in science. Azalea will be inspired to do any work that can bring her praise, but those around her are unlikely to notice this because of the girl’s natural modesty.

Azalea is rather modest. However, with regard to friendships and family relations, this girl is a real "battery". The creative principle is expressed in the fact that she possesses an incredible fantasy, which, together with perseverance, help the girl achieve goals that are simply impossible at first glance.

Azalea is one of those people who do not forgive betrayal.   Once a person who betrayed her will forever be deleted from the girl’s life.

The thoughts of Azalea are almost always occupied with questions of home and life. Family for her is the norm. Azalea loves and appreciates stability in everything, and especially in family matters. That is why such a girl chooses a life partner once and for all. Azalea will not let near a rude man. Her chosen one should be as strong, so soft with her. Azalea's wife and mother become excellent. Devoting all her free time to home and family, she arranges her life in such a way that it is comfortable for all family members.

Azalea is the whole ocean of positivewhich always attracts others.
