Awareness: meaning, stages, lifestyle and development of the mind. Awareness is a step towards a harmonious life

M: I realize that I am awake or that I have dreams.
  Q: I do not catch. What exactly do you want to say? I will formulate the question in another way: by deep sleep, I mean unconsciousness, by wakefulness - consciousness, by dream - consciousness of my mind, but not of the environment.

M: I mean almost the same thing, with only one difference. In each of the states you forget about the other two, but for me there is only one state of being, including and exceeding the three mental states of wakefulness, deep sleep and dreaming with dreams.

Q: Do you see the goal and direction in the world?
  M: The world is just a reflection of my imagination. I can see whatever I want. But why should I come up with models of creation, evolution, and destruction? I do not need them. The world is in me, the world is me. I am not afraid of him and have no desire to put him in a picture of the mind.

Q: Going back to sleep. Do you have dreams?
  M: Of course.
  Q: What are they?
  M: Echoes of the waking state.
  Q: A deep sleep?
  M: Brain consciousness is suspended.
  Q: Then you are not aware?
  M: I do not recognize my surroundings.
  Q: Not completely unconscious?
  M: I continue to realize that I am unconscious.
  Q: You use the words “be aware” and “be aware.” Isn't that the same thing?

M: Awareness is primary, it is the initial state - without beginning, without end, without reason, without foundation, without components, without change. Consciousness is dependent, it is a reflection on the surface, a state of duality. There can be no consciousness without awareness, but there can be awareness without consciousness, in deep sleep. Awareness is absolute. Consciousness is relative, depending on its content, it is always necessary to be aware of something. Consciousness is divided and changeable. Awareness is holistic, unchanging, calm and silent, it is the common matrix of any experience.

Q: How to go beyond consciousness and achieve awareness?

M: Since it is awareness that makes consciousness possible, awareness is present in any state of consciousness. Therefore, the very consciousness of what you are aware of is already a movement in awareness. Interest in the flow of consciousness will lead you to awareness. This is not a new condition. It is immediately recognized as the basic, primordial existence, which is life itself, as well as love and joy.

Q: If reality is with us all the time, what does self-realization consist of?

M: Realization is the opposite of ignorance. To accept the world as real, and my self as unreal is ignorance, the cause of unhappiness. To know that I am the only reality, and everything else is fleeting and impermanent, is freedom, joy and peace. It is very simple. Instead of imagining things, learn to see them as they are. When you can see everything as it is, you will see yourself as you really are. It is like wiping a mirror. The same mirror showing you the real world will be shown by your own face. The thought “I am” is a wipe. Use her.

Expand horizontally energetically, and allow the inner world to connect with the outer. In complete silence, go deep into the spiritual center until you feel amazing Calmness and Silence. Dive deeper. Become transparent and dissolve in Peace. This is the True Self. Enjoy your infinity and a sense of freedom and lightness.

This is freedom from the image of oneself with its qualities and characteristics, and ease from the lack of self-image that holds the need for someone to be.

It is enough to survive this at least once to believe that everything that we consider ourselves to be is one big illusion created by a small artificial “I” that is afraid to be destroyed. But his mask, consisting of thoughts about himself, numerous concepts, social roles and masks, desires and thirst for certain conditions (for example, unconditional love or enlightenment) closes the True Self. And it is nothing, it is a pure consciousness that has no characteristics. It just is.

What prevents them from being this pure creation? Fear for one’s survival of the false, caused by the external “I”, which immediately shows activity, proves its need, explaining, evaluating, hanging a label, expressing its attitude. And we immediately identify with this to make sure that the "I" that we consider ourselves to have not disappeared. And the amazing state of the True Self, in which we have just been, immediately disappears, returning us to the usual image of ourselves (for example, I am spiritually advanced, intellectual, I have special abilities and skills, etc.).

But we do not destroy all these ideas, do not get rid of the mind, do not fight with the ego. Plunging into our depths, we vibrationally rise to a state of impersonality, where in the absence of thoughts about ourselves (!) Everything introduced from the outside, contrived and illusory, dissolves. There, in the Void and Silence, we open ourselves up as a living, multidimensional Consciousness that realizes itself, has inexhaustible potential and realizes itself in the material world through the Feminine and Masculine Principles. Soul, love, acceptance, support, emotions, feelings - this is Yin. Thinking, mind, intellect, will, strength, concentration, laying new directions - this is Yang. And combining these two global energies, Consciousness / Spirit fills Life with a complex physical system - the Body through which He embodies everything.

Awareness of how these two Divine Principles manifest in everything that happens is a mortal blow to the involved "I", attributing to itself the authorship of everything that happens to us.

I am Awareness

At the first stage of detached observation, we notice how through identification the involved ego expresses itself in others. These are reactions of wounded self-esteem, unbridled emotions, self-conceit or uncertainty, insincerity ... And here it is extremely important not to let spiritual pride rise: not to condemn, not to criticize, not to feel superior. And reflect on how your own image of yourself is manifested: I think that ..., it seems to me, you ..., my belief that he ... In the state of the True I have no opinions and no interpretations!

Then, when the inner Observer strengthens, except that he ascertains how fear for his survival manifests itself in his own self - in complexes, in the desire to transcend or in self-humiliation, in thoughts, in building relationships - one recognizes oneself through others. It requires absolute honesty with oneself, so that without justifying our actions, without self-flagellation and self-indulgence, we must acknowledge how everything and everyone mirrors us, especially those who annoy and inspire condemnation. And then dissolve this false "I".

But in order to observe identification with the image of oneself, it is that the mind which is separated and concentrated on itself considers itself to be, how it acts through a set of judgments, beliefs, concepts, implemented ideas, how “suchness” manifests itself and how “I” ascribes authorship in actions to itself (I said, I wrote, I did), relentless vigilance and attentiveness are needed. Theoretical knowledge that the Essence governs our whole life does not help much. You need a vision from your depths.

1. Who shapes life situations

Imagine that you are sitting in a cinema, and from the Void, from Consciousness, from I-Am, watch the film "Me and My Life", where you are the main character. And you, of course, acknowledge that most of the events didn’t happen at our will - love stories, getting (or not) to schools, successful (or not) marriages, getting a job (or not) to work, successes and failures, meetings and separation. But behind all this are the messages of the Soul, which, carrying the Spark of the Spirit within itself, shaped the circumstances so that we realize how our life is created by the fact that “I” sends into space. And with what care and love, the Soul helped either by comprehending the failures, or by getting to know the right person, or by not understanding where the money came from, and sometimes directly diverted from troubles. Another thing is whether we noticed it.

Therefore, today, saying that I moved to another apartment / I broke up with this person / I bought a new car, etc., we will not identify with this “I”, remembering that everything does not come from him, but from Consciousness / The Spirit. Striving to achieve the goal - too. There is no other force in the universe.

2. In the image of oneself and beyond

Our self-image - a system of multiple "I", or I-concept of personality, manifests itself through many roles, subpersonalities - parent, daughter / son, husband / wife, specialist, friend, colleague, passenger, customer, pedestrian - do not list all. And all of them with their own character, desires and goals, each claims to be primacy, many quarrel, causing internal conflicts in us. And it is no coincidence that conventional psychology deals with their reconciliation. But she does not lead out of the space of the self, where the illusory "I" is pride, claiming to guide our behavior ( it will be as I decided, I did it my own way, I organized my business from scratch) dooms us to problems. Can an unstable, capricious personality unite a huge number of these “I” into a whole and ensure such a diverse set of normal functioning in society? Being inside each, it is due to them. Our components are united by something else - fundamental and global consciousness. Any conclusion, decision, making comes from it and depends on the frequency at which it vibrates at the moment.

From the depths of the True Self, it is realized that personality is a set of images that exist in our mind. They are based on the idea that someone needs to be as someone. This forces us to act in a certain way, engages in these actions, and we identify with these roles and attribute the result to mental masks. Therefore, the individual has no place in the Divine Trinity of Spirit-Soul-Body.

In the True Self, where there are no far-fetched images and nothing to waste energy on, it freely and calmly flows from acting as a parent or daughter / son to the actions of a spouse, specialist, friend, colleague, etc. Without a judgment, how to behave to be good and worthy of love. Without stress and obligation ( i, as the father of the family, must ... / I, as a loving mother, owe ... / I, as a spiritual person, cannot ...) And everything turns out easily and naturally, because selfless love becomes the driving force.

She sincerely "gives", not expecting gratitude. It makes us alive, that is, not evaluating, but feeling, and truly attentive. And, not striving for respect and love, we receive them. And the feeling of the Presence in Existence is an unconditional trust in Existence itself, and it provokes a response, providing with what is urgent at the moment.

3. The indivisibility of receiving and giving back, ideas and their embodiment

Who inspires creativity? An ego that considers itself the author of the created? But can illusion create, bring joy, realize the Divine potential? And who is behind the fact that if we, not thinking about the reward, rapturously share what the Soul pours out, we always gain something? How absolutely Love conducts a dance of two principles - bestowal on the Masculine and receiving on the feminine, return from Yin, answer from Yang!

And who inspires ideas ( english inspire - inspire, spirit - spirit)? Our false self, believing that thought dawned on him? A mind that does not go beyond its content? Brain? And he does not give birth, but captures the energy-information signals that the Soul transmits to him. Another thing is that it is so created that the differences in its structure fantastically make our subjective perception distinctive, and at the same time it is standardized enough so that we can communicate and understand each other. Who can create such a perfect quantum computer?

In the state of the True Self, it is obvious that inspiration  idea, its realization and the creator himself is an indivisible whole. And if in the process of embodiment this unity is illuminated by absolute Love, it gives birth to something original and imperishable.

4. The Source of Selfless Love

Where is he? Where does Love radiate? When we say: “I experienced such tenderness” or “I reacted to him with compassion” - can this come from a false “I”?

In the I Am Presence, Love and Its radiating are inseparable, and we feel the other as ourselves. And you do not need to build relationships in preoccupation with morality. The soul leads with care, attention, tenderness, intuitive outbursts and ... awareness. There is no self involved in action. And the I-Exist does not happen inside either action or anything else. That is why It easily connects with everything, feels it, realizes its true essence and sees how the Soul suffers from manifestations of the ego. And that causes compassion.

True, uninvolved, self-conscious Love does not need to be sought outside and does not need to be developed - it is in us. It is only necessary to shift attention from the external to the internal, to the speaker / acting / loving. And That is revealed. And it is clear that we are Awareness itself and selfless Love.

5. Awareness is primary

Otherwise, we would not be aware of anything and could not open ourselves as Soul / Spirit / Consciousness. The value of awareness is immeasurable and incomprehensible, just as the Spirit / God is incomprehensible. We can only mention a few points.

  • Awareness leads away from illusions and allows you to be closer to the truth.
  • A separate “I” dissolves in him and there are no identifications.
  • In awareness, we are in a meta-position when the impartial Observer keeps his distance from the situation, and the mind with its ideas cannot draw anything into anything. And in this detachment there are answers to questions, a solution to problems pops up. The authorities are debunked, to which we, devaluing ourselves, voluntarily gave energy. It can be seen how society is trying to manipulate us. We become independent, and the blocking of the false leader - the mind-ego that separated us from the World, returns to unity with Him.
  • The essence of each set goal, any choice is being clarified, and the illusory "I" is not able to draw us into our games.
  • Awareness, occurring in the "here and now", leads away from suffering from the past and the fear of the future, from the requirements for oneself to be "like that", from the obligation to correspond to the far-fetched ideal image of oneself, from being conditioned by something external and depending on it, from judgments- evaluations of an information-filled mind that impede living feeling.

Awareness leads to Freedom.

Awareness without awareness

The soul creates, loves, transmits impulses to the mind and body - two inseparable tools, and legs walk, hands make something, senses perceive. And everything enlivens the Spirit, which makes man a Co-Creator and unites everything and everyone into the Whole.

First, the Spirit calls from the Void, persistently returning attention to the spiritual center. Then, even once having plunged into the Void, having experienced himself as a Presence in Existence, as a self-aware Spirit, I want to repeat this experience and repeat it.

And then it turns out that this phenomenal Void is a limitless space that contains everything. That it is simultaneously Fullness, that is, Being, That-That-Is. And the pure, unconnected True Self is this Being. In this awareness - I Am All. All and indescribable Nothing, Consciousness, which is not an object and therefore incomprehensible. Being above everything and not involved in anything - neither in time, nor in phenomena, nor in form, nor in idea, nor in duality, be it Good and Evil, Light and Darkness - it is aware of them. But without the conscious: I Am - this is Awareness itself. It is not an object. It can neither be seen nor studied. This is an even, calm, harmonious state in which I simply Am, without effort and without bursts of delight. This I do not demonstrate myself, do not exalt, It is one for all. Like Infinity, Lightness and Transparency. As Trust in Life, that is, in God. Like a Spirit. As the awareness that I will give, and therefore natural, like breathing.

Any of us can live, feeling every moment, deeply understanding every word uttered and aware of each of our actions and actions of other people. Any of us can live, enjoying the very pleasure that wise men, philosophers, spiritual teachers, and even psychologists so often talk about. But not everyone can brag of this skill, because the majority, even thinking about such things, still continues to live “on the machine”, by inertia. This is akin to how a small boat is wound from side to side of the waves of the raging ocean and gusts of a gale of wind.

However, this is far from evil rock and not the inevitable destiny prepared for man. If desired, and with a certain perseverance, he can make a difference - get rid of restrictions, prejudices and fears, learn to boldly and adequately evaluate himself, others and what is happening around him, draw conclusions from all this and improve his life. Perhaps this is due to awareness.

What is mindfulness?

Before we talk about why and how to gain awareness, it is worth clarifying what it is. From a psychological point of view, awareness is a state in which a person monitors his current experiences, focusing on the present moment and not being distracted by thoughts about the past or future. It represents the ability of consciousness to introspection (internal observation) of its activity. This means that individual experiences are perceived by the person directly and as they are. In most cases, awareness is directed to internal states, for example, to intuition or sensory perception of events occurring in the external world.

A lot of interesting things are said about awareness and philosophy. For example, Rene Descartes, who was one of the first to study consciousness from a scientific point of view, formulated the famous formula "I think, therefore, exist." And by thinking, he understood everything that a person does consciously - through self-observation. From this we can draw a simple conclusion: a man exists, i.e. lives only when it realizes itself and everything that happens around.

In addition, religions (for example, Buddhism) and many also speak of awareness. The development of this ability in one form or another is dedicated to the work of such famous people as Osho, Carlos Castaneda, Jeddah Krishnamurti, Victor Pelevin, Sri Aurobindo, Porfiry Ivanov, Peter Uspensky. Many amazing books have been written on this subject from world-famous authors (Mark Williams, Danny Penman, Michael Chaskalson, Laurence Levasser, Richard Moss, Eckhart Tolle and others).

Thus, the topic of awareness excites a huge number of people, and not only those who have devoted themselves to spiritual pursuits, but also those who simply want to develop and improve their lives, achieve goals and grow personally, better understand themselves and the people with whom they communicate . But let's talk in more detail about whether it is necessary to develop it at all and what it gives. You can start with this video.

Do I need to be aware and why?

The state of awareness looks very attractive, but before starting to develop it, everyone must decide for himself whether he has the courage to lead a conscious life. This implies a sober view of things, a complete rejection of self-deception, a clear understanding of their actions and deeds, and responsibility for all their consequences.

To become a person who has all these qualities inherent, you need to be truly brave. And only if a person is ready to take off the “pink glasses” and see the true world and the true self in it, we can talk about the development of awareness. Otherwise, nothing will come of it, and he will return to such pleasant illusions and self-deception.

Are you ready to pay that price? If so, read on.

What will give you awareness?

So, a conscious person becomes more responsible, and not only in relation to his beloved, but also in relation to others. He begins to ponder his words, deeds and reactions, and make them so that they do not harm absolutely anyone, thereby turning a chaotic existence into a harmonious life.

Being aware, a person much more efficiently solves many vital issues and copes with problems and difficulties, adequately and impartially analyzing all their aspects. In addition, awareness gives ability and trouble, but enjoy life, paying attention to its seemingly most insignificant manifestations, such as a blow of wind, first snow, summer rain or sunrise.

Of course, relations with loved ones become something very important and valuable. Habitual people are dear to the heart, and feelings that have lost their former passion flare up with renewed vigor, revealing many new facets. But let's not dive into the lyrics.

The development of awareness is the key to understanding what is happening around and inside us, the path to recognizing false strategies and beliefs, a tool for identifying unconscious mental reactions, the ability to make more sober and not distorted by internal states conclusions, effectively plan your actions.

Most people either do not suspect or do not attach importance to the fact that their behavior is caused by mental reactions based on the views, concepts, beliefs and attitudes formed in the process of life. They become a prism or even a curved mirror through which we look at life, the world and other people. But, unfortunately, we do not see what is actually there, but a projection distorted by our perception.

For example, a person, unconsciously obeying his habits and beliefs, instinctively perceives people incredulously and aggressively. Behind him there may be a negative experience, or even someone suggested to him that people should not be trusted. This is the distorted mirror through which he sees and evaluates even good people. Similar and modified situations can be observed in other areas of life: someone gets angry when they interrupt him, when they make fun of him, someone curses life, when there are obstacles in his way, etc.

The well-known behaviorist formula “stimulus-reaction” works here, when the human psyche mechanically responds to external stimuli. And such emotional impulses, automatic reactions and reactive actions make up our life. It’s not surprising that “negatives”, “whiners”, “mean guys” and incredulous people who are tired of life and do not believe in anything good and bright meet every now and then.

Putting ourselves in a position of dependence on momentary emotions and reactions, we begin to live like robots or unconscious organisms. We lose the ability to adequately perceive phenomena and events, are guided by ineffective behavioral strategies and patterns, are unable to analyze even our own actions and reactions, we become slaves to emotions and habits.

Moreover, with regret it can be said that a person living unconsciously will constantly repeat in his thoughts and actions, being deprived of the ability to change himself, situation and life in general. Acting stereotypically - as he used to, he can come to the conclusion that life is a pain, and nothing can be changed. And even if he wants to change everything and begins to take drastic measures for these changes, behavioral automatism will still act over and over again, leading to the same result.

The reason for all this is our ill-fated prism, which distorts the view of the world. But this is not a reason to give up and a head down, because this prism can be changed - through the development of awareness in every thought, in every word, in every reaction, in every act. Then negativity and dullness will be replaced by positive and bright colors, automatism will be replaced by tracking, mechanistic actions by thoughtful steps, emotional and unconscious perception by balanced and conscious. And we suggest that you begin to implement these changes with us.

Little experience of mindfulness

To begin with, feel awareness right at that moment. Look at your right hand and try to feel everything that you feel at your fingertips, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe phalanges, in the palms of your hands. Feel the pulsating blood in your hand; if possible, try to feel subtle vibrations, as if slightly pressing on the fingers and palm. Allocate 3-5 minutes to this lesson, and only then continue reading.

The previous few minutes, you have been conscious of your hand. Remember how before that you simply read, and did not pay any attention to your hand - you did not notice it, as if it were not there. But now you have fully felt it. And a similar technique can be used anywhere, anytime: when you walk around the park, go to work, wash the dishes, type on the computer. The subject of awareness can be the wind and the rustling of leaves, raindrops on the glass, hand movements, the sound of knocking keys, etc.

Actually, the same way you need to be aware of your thoughts and actions, reactions and emotions, desires and urges to do something, both alone with yourself and when communicating with other people. You just need to carefully watch, listen, feel, touch. In this case, you do not need to analyze anything, because as soon as you start to do this, thoughts will instantly swarm in your head. This is called internal dialogue, and it serves as a hindrance and awareness.

This practice requires due regard to the very fact of attention and presence in the notorious moment "here and now." Awareness can be compared to a flashlight that everyone has, but which no one turns on. But when we press the button and begin to realize what is happening, the light of this flashlight illuminates certain areas of darkness and shows the direction for movement.

We want to warn that when you just start using your "flashlight", it will shine, as they say, barely, and you will need to make a lot of effort so that it does not go out. But as you practice, the “charge” will become more powerful, and your awareness will begin to spread to everything that surrounds you. We think that wise mentors such as Krishnamurti, Gurdjieff or Osho will agree with us on this - awareness and its development takes pride of place in their many works.

Now is the time to move from the short practice of awareness that we have given so that you get a little experience, to a solid practice. The exercises and techniques presented below will help you better understand how to gain awareness, and develop this quality in yourself. And if you study at least once a day, very soon it will become a natural part of your life, and you will begin to notice amazing changes in it and see what you have not seen before.

Mindfulness practice

We will not argue that it’s so easy to take and stand up by a conscious person by no means everyone (if there are such people at all). However, with the help of small steps, you will be able to rise to such a stage from where you can observe in pure form everything that you want.

Utmost care

Already these recommendations are enough to understand how to begin to develop and gain awareness. But we want to offer you a few more exercises for the development of awareness, each of which is aimed at a specific area: intuitive, mental and emotional.

Intuitive awareness development

The first exercise is very simple, although, based on the trends of our time, it is somewhat unusual. All you need is a day not to use a phone, tablet, TV and computer. Also, it’s better not to plan anything for this day.

All your actions must come from intuition. You need to pay attention to what the inner voice tells you to stay focused on the inner state as often and as long as possible, try to do everything with maximum concentration in order to realize the influence of familiar reactions and patterns.

The main task is to learn to trust intuitive feelings. It is not necessary to sit locked up in four walls. You can walk, go shopping, chat with someone, but the influence of external factors should be minimized. Exercise can be done once a week.

Mental Awareness

The second exercise will help you before any undertakings, learn to see different ways to achieve goals and options for self-realization, as well as get rid of perfectionism. The point is that you plan your future (even a trip for bread), relying not on past experience, but on goals and desires that are relevant to you now. Before starting any business, tell yourself that you are undertaking a fascinating experiment.

No need to perceive a new business as something that needs to be done at any cost. Repeat several times that you are just waiting for a new interesting experience, and there is no need to carry out this business right away in the best way. With this approach, you will become easier to relate to your work and responsibilities and learn not to give them undue importance. Accordingly, when doing things, it will become easier for you to concentrate and be aware.

Developing emotional awareness

The third exercise is aimed at changing your relationship with your self and your surrounding reality. It also develops the ability to accept and understand, to see the essence, and not minor details.

The task is this: make a decision that over the next week in response to any resentment and irritation, you will mentally send at least ten sincere kind words to their “initiator”. Record all your thoughts such as: “Again he is with his stupid jokes”, “What a ridiculous hat”, “She got tired to be late” or “Behave like sheep”, etc.

As soon as you notice such a thought, immediately think about your practice of awareness, and mentally react in a positive way: express compliments, look for the positive sides, find evidence of your own wrong. Having formed a positive thought, send it to the person who caused the negative. In addition to this, you can use another trick - to give this person a bouquet of flowers in his imagination to make him feel good.

These are just a few ways to gain awareness in life. It is not necessary to apply everything at once. It’s better to go towards the goal little by little, but constantly, observing your own characteristics and the changes taking place.

If you learn not just to “kill” the alarm clock in the morning with your hand, but to notice how beautiful it is on the street at such an early time and thank life for the new day; if you will not just answer calls, but listen to your voice and listen carefully to what you say and what they say to you; if you begin to not just close your eyes before going to bed, but remember your day in all its details and analyze what could have been done better, you will already set aside automatism, many fears and insecurities, although you may not even be aware of this.

Awareness starts from a small corner lit by the light of an old flashlight, but fueled by your desire and intentional practice, you yourself will begin to glow from the inside with an invisible light that will attract other people to you, success, good luck and good events. And in order to gain awareness, it was easier for you, we made a small selection of books on this topic:

  • Danny Penman, Mark Williams “Awareness. How to find harmony in our crazy world ”;
  • Charles Tarte “The practice of mindfulness in everyday life”;
  • Osho “Awareness today. How to do meditation. Part of your daily life? ”;
  • Eckhart Tolle “The Power of the Present”;
  • Laurence Levasser "50 exercises for developing the ability to live in the present."

And in conclusion, another wonderful exercise for the development of awareness from a culturologist, philosopher and famous lecturer Ilya Kurylenko. Practice mindfulness, friends, be attentive to yourself and the world around you, learn to see magic in ordinary things. We wish you happiness and amazing discoveries on your way!


Awareness is the vision of the work of the conditioned mind and the dual personality from the point of view of the neutral observer, who is your True Self.

Awareness does not occur through physical vision.

Awareness is not a manipulation.

Awareness is a holistic and direct experience of what is happening, not its deliberation.

Awareness is going beyond the bounds of the conditioned mind and false personality.

Awareness is consciousness and the subconscious, aware of themselves in the duality of their interaction.

Full self-awareness is possible with the harmonization of all functional centers of man.

Only a person can know whether he is aware of himself at the moment or not. Only man himself can know the true truth about himself.

Awareness is the result of practical experience, not faith.

Awareness is direct understanding without the medium of a conditioned mind and words.

Awareness is a change and expansion of one’s perception. You can’t stop thinking, feeling and acting, but you can do it consciously. To realize oneself means to see the dual nature of one’s thinking, feeling and actions.

If I want to know something, then I enter, become aware and exit. Came, saw, realized.


In my opinion, any system that claims to be spiritual should work with awareness, if there is no awareness in it, then it is not spiritual.

Mind and Heart

Awareness is the highest level of development of the intellectual center, and Unconditional Love is the highest level of development of the emotional center. The union of the Mind and the Heart is what is very important for all people.

Awareness is the key to the locked doors of your consciousness and subconscious.


Feel a state that looks like a neutral gear in a car. When you are in it, you can turn on any speed. The state of internal neutrality is observation. From it you can enter any state, and it can be obtained very easily.

Who are you talking about?

We always talk only about ourselves, while we think that we are talking about others. Awareness is the ability to see in yourself what you are saying about others.

Pain experience

It’s not easy for many to even admit that they have pain experience. But this is only the first step. The next step is to become aware of it.

Awareness is the removal of masks. But if I can’t even see my own mask, then I can’t take it off.

Primary source

Awareness connects everything that happens together. Awareness is the power that holds and unites all parts of the whole. Awareness is not a thought, feeling, sensation or action. It is what unites them. Awareness is the primary source of everything in us.

Expansion of perception

Awareness is the expansion of the boundaries of your perception, this is a holistic vision of what is happening as the interaction of opposite sides of dualities.

New quality of vision

Awareness is never repeated, it is always new.

Release perception

Awareness is the liberation of one’s perception of the world.

The liberation of perception from the limitations of duality and fragmentation of the conditioned mind is possible only through self-awareness. Awareness of consciousness is able to perceive itself and act in various worlds corresponding to its level of development.

You need to increase your awareness, and not fight fear.

Awareness is a universal technique or a universal key that needs to be applied for something. Why do you need this golden key?

Awareness is a working tool for studying the mind. Awareness is the ability to go beyond all fragments of the dualistic mind and observe them.

Awareness is not a judgment. Awareness is an observation: you simply observe what is happening to you and your judgments about it.

Impartial vision

Awareness is neither thought, nor feeling, nor action. It is a clear vision or an impartial, emotionally excluded observation of emerging thoughts, feelings, sensations, and actions or actions being performed.

Free attention

Awareness can be characterized by the magnitude of the energy of free (unidentified) attention.

Involvement without identification

A self-conscious person is able to enter into any processes and events without being involved in them, and to leave them when he needs it. An unconscious person cannot avoid being involved in certain processes and events and is not able to leave them according to his intention. The processes and events in which he is mechanically involved are determined by the nature of the dual conditioning of his mind and personality.

Direct understanding

Awareness is direct understanding without the medium of a conditioned mind, that is, dualistic representations.

Thoughts, Feelings, Actions

You may be aware of your thoughts, but not aware of your feelings and actions. In this case, you may be characterized by a mismatch of what you think and say with what you feel and do. For example, you claim that you like your work, but for some reason you are not very willing to go to it. Or say that you love to read, but do not read. You may be better aware of your feelings or actions, but you are not aware of thoughts. In this case, you will definitely have discrepancies external and internal. Each person is included in the mental, emotional and physical flow of energy, regardless of whether he is aware of it or not. Full self-awareness as constantly moving and changing energy flows is necessary for someone who wants to be healthy. Self-awareness is the direct Path to a healthy, harmonious life. To realize is simply to observe without any choice, and not to define or explain.

Sleep and the usual so-called “wakefulness” are forms of manifestation of the subconscious and conscious, but they are not awareness. Wakefulness is the dual opposite of sleep. Thus, a person who is not self-conscious always sleeps, that is, he is in a world of illusions and dreams.

Watch and see

In the same subject, just the beholder and the Awareness observe: one is the external form, the other is its essence. Watching does not mean seeing.

Stream of events

Self-awareness will allow you to perceive everything as a stream of events of mental, emotional and physical energy.

Awareness is understanding without a doubt. Any doubt indicates that you are in the realm of a dual mind. Understanding is not dual and therefore cannot be expressed by dual concepts. You can try to convey it in words, but it is always necessary to remember that knowledge invested in verbal concepts is relative. In the physical world, we are forced to use a distorted method to transmit Knowledge, but we must remember the imperfection of this method of transmission.

Clear vision

A clear vision is a recall of what you already know. This knowledge is encoded into the cells of the human body.

A clear vision is a direct experience of what is happening, not a reflection on it.

Clear vision exceeds any concept, representation, that is, that which is the result of the work of the conditioned mind. Therefore, only one who knows how to be in a state of non-thinking can see.


Distortion of clear vision occurs when a person condemns what he saw. Mistakes are caused by the interference of the conditioned, dualistic mind.

Free attention

Only through self-awareness can the identified attention turn into free attention.

Free attention is your door and key to enter and exit. The more free your attention, the more your opportunities and freedom. The more your attention is identified, the less your freedom.

Free attention is the energy of awareness that you can direct and use based on the Intent of your Higher Self.

A person who does not have free attention is a simple mechanism.


Understanding is a vision of the place and interconnections of a given event, process, person, thing from the point of view of the integrity into which they enter as part.

Understanding is the perception of the particular from the vision of the general, and not vice versa.

If you look at something, this does not mean that you understand what you saw. Understanding requires a special state of mind and is possible only with paradoxical thinking, which does not exclude, but includes opposing points of view.

Understanding can be intellectual, emotional, or bodily. This is determined by which of these functions is prevailing in a given person. Understanding, which includes all three components, characterizes a holistic person.

One can understand something only by becoming it. Becoming One Consciousness, you will understand all that is. So what is stopping you from doing this? Just that you still want to be specific. For such a desire you pay the opportunity to be everything.

The only barrier to understanding is the limitation and conditioning of the mind by its dual beliefs and beliefs. Understanding does not require any training, as it is a natural state of the Higher Self. One thing is necessary - the elimination of what prevents being in a state of understanding, that is, the dual perception of the conditioned mind. Each person has his own dualistic traps that block understanding: these are the one-sided beliefs of his false personality, held together by a cement of faith in their truth.

Understanding is not given to those who do not aspire to it. The path to understanding lies through a clear vision of delusions or illusions. Delusion is a wandering in the prison of duality without understanding this. Delusion is conditionality, darkness, which exists due to the absence of light. The light of understanding unites dual representations that have arisen as a result of conditioned and fragmentary perception. Understanding is knowledge that exists independently of language, concept, that is, outside of dual thinking.


The action, coming from a clear vision, does not require reflection, reflection. It is the realization of such a vision.

Body vision

Vision by the body is the recall of the information embedded in the cells of your body, which contains the entire structure of knowledge about the laws of the universe. Self-awareness is access to such information.


A review of your past is a re-living of the events of your life, but now with full awareness of what happened. Revision is the release and transformation of a painful experience into the energy of free attention.


Through awareness, you can see two opposite sides of any phenomenon: actualized and hidden. The actualized side is that side of the phenomenon that is visible to the person who perceives the phenomenon. The hidden side is the opposite side, invisible, hidden from the one-sided perception of a given person.

Self-awareness is the mastery of one's own energy. The vast majority of people, having energy, do not own it. They just scatter it in different directions, without even realizing it. Aware of your thoughts, you can direct their energy in the direction you need. The same applies to the energy of feeling and physical actions. You cannot control what you are not aware of. You can control yourself only by realizing yourself.

Man is a constantly moving energy. You can highlight the energy of thought, feeling, body. Each of these energies has its own properties and features. Awareness of each of these energies in itself allows you to harmonize them. Awareness of the nature of the processes in which each of the three energies is involved makes it possible to be in a state of harmony, balance and health. A holistic person is able to realize at the same time each of these energies in himself. Pay attention to the awareness of those energies that you know worse in yourself.


When you are not aware of something in yourself, it begins to manifest itself very strongly outside, but you do not see it. And since you do not see this, you cannot control it.

Conscious unconsciousness

Can you consciously lose consciousness?


An unconscious person cannot escape from some kind of experience and experience that he is given. And whether he wants it or not, he will undergo them the experience that is intended for him.

In the state of consciousness in which most people are, understanding is impossible.

Bad and good

Do not hold on to the state, let it be what it is, just watch it. This is very important, because as soon as you try to keep what you call good, bad will come.

There is no good or bad thing for the observer: no matter what, he just watches it.


The conditioned mind will evaluate, the observer will observe the mind that evaluates.

For some people, it’s better not to ask questions out loud, but to watch how they arise in their mind. You will see that the answers will come from you, and only to the right questions. In a state of observation, you will not have thousands of unnecessary questions, there will be one, but one that is needed.

Impulses to awareness

If you look at your life and see that you want one, but have something completely different, this is an occasion to think that you are doing something wrong, that your methods do not work. Then you begin to realize how you live and what it leads to.


There is nothing more important than self-awareness.

The movement towards self-awareness will lead to global changes in human civilization.

Your awakening from sleep and mechanical survival will not come with time unless you have an impulse of self-awareness.

The development of the physical body by nature is guaranteed, but this cannot be said in relation to the development of awareness. There is no program inherent in nature in man that will provide you with this in connection with your growing up. Moreover, with age, there is more, I would say, dullness in everyone who does not have an impulse of self-awareness.

Self-awareness is a universal technique with which you can see yourself holistically, it is a universal master key for any situations in your life.

Nothing can be done with a person who does not have an impulse to self-realization, but if there is such an impulse, even in its infancy, then it can begin to develop. If the impulse develops so that your self-awareness becomes an irreversible process, then your awakening is possible, you can become whole. Although so far this is a rarity.


The mind cannot see itself, but it is possible to go out into the observer and begin to see from it how your mind works. By observing it, you see the duality actualized by your personality and you get the opportunity to experience their opposite sides as two sides of the same coin.

Remembering yourself

Remembering yourself is through the activation of the duality in your personality and their awareness.

Experience of knowledge

The essence of our process is to, having learned about the presence of duality in ourselves, experience and be aware of these dualities. That is, awareness occurs only on the basis of experiencing the correct knowledge of oneself.

Connecting yourself

I use everything I meet for awareness, and in this way I connect myself.

To see something clearly, you need to get out of this.

Fire of awareness

Everything works for you. If the fire of awareness burns in you, then everything will become wood for him.

Vision of Separation

The vision of your separation and its living will push you into awareness.

Want or be

Want awareness or be aware? This is a big difference.

You already know what you want to know.

The subjective state, in which we are aware of something. The term has different meanings - from the recognition of stimuli in the physical world, to the awareness of one's internal “I” and its effect on our behavior.


The patient's achievement in the process of psychotherapy of a clear, explicit understanding of previously unconscious aspects and the interconnections of his own mental life, internal (intrapsychic) \u200b\u200bproblems and conflicts, the characteristics of his behavior and emotional response, relationships with others, as well as the reasons for the formation and development of these psychological phenomena. O. in a broader sense also means the formation of an adequate understanding of other people and the world. However, in the framework of psychotherapy, the term "O." first of all, it characterizes the patient’s achievement of understanding of himself, his own psychic life, interconnections and relationships in himself and with himself, with other people and the world around him, that is, O. contributes to the formation of adequate self-understanding, the “image of the I”, representation about yourself through the integration of consciousness of previously unconscious material. O. plays a role in almost all existing psychotherapeutic areas and schools, however, its importance and specific gravity in the psychotherapeutic process, focus (historical or interpersonal, “here and now” or “there and then”, etc.) of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe material itself ., the methods and techniques used by psychotherapists to achieve O. are completely determined by the basic theoretical orientation.

The main goal of psychoanalysis is expressed by Freud S.: "Where there was an Eid, there will be an Ego." Psychoanalysis uses knowledge of specific techniques and a special (psychoanalytic) understanding of mental functioning to select and conduct psychotherapeutic intervention. To develop the “I” as one of the components of the personality structure in psychoanalysis, the psychotherapist, using special technical methods (therapeutic union, free association, dream analysis, interpretation of defenses and transfers, a high frequency of psychotherapeutic sessions, etc.), seeks to bring the patient to O. protective psychological mechanisms of its transfer reactions, in particular, in the form in which they appear during the interaction of the patient with the therapist. The task of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy also consists in revealing the nature of psycho-traumatic experiences of personality conflicts in a patient and in relieving them by achieving insight and catharsis, O. repressed drives, understanding the psychological causes of neurotic symptoms. The most important skill a psychoanalyst should possess is his ability to correlate the patient’s conscious thoughts, feelings, fantasies, impulses and behavior with their unconscious predecessors (Greenson R. R., 1994). Understanding (along with listening and responding with a subsequent return to listening to the patient) is one of the 4 phases in the implementation of the method of expressing the patient’s thoughts and feelings during psychoanalytic psychotherapy (Luborsky L., 1984). O. is associated with the inevitable resistance of the patient, mainly due to the action of special mechanisms that impede this O. Successful overcoming of resistance in the process of psychotherapy ends with O. mechanisms of maladaptive psychological defense.

A. The irrational attitudes of “non-adaptive cognitions” (“automatic thoughts”) or the basic mechanisms causing a mismatch between what a person perceives and how he evaluates the perceived is the main task of cognitive psychotherapy. The main meaning of cognitive psychotherapy comes down to the statement: we are made miserable not by things and phenomena, but by the way we perceive them. When faced with a problem-provoking event under various conditions, the patient learns to realize how irrational attitudes change the perception of the event. A description of the event that caused the consequences that led to a doctor would not require special conditions if the patient did not mix together what happened and how he perceives and evaluates the event. As a result of repeated encounters with the latter, in the course of psychotherapy the patient learns to change his perception (vision). And finally, he learns the strategy of rational behavior (multivariate) in relation to the event, expands his range of strategies for solving the problem. It must be recalled that the problems leading to a therapist are, as a rule, created not by one irrational attitude, but by several, located between themselves in certain relationships (hierarchical, parallel, articulatory). O. the nature of these connections is the main task of the therapist and patient. The question of where to start is usually determined along with the patient. Among the main methods of cognitive psychotherapy, allowing to realize irrational attitudes, include a change in the viewing angle of the phenomenon. Instead of fixing on what causes him a long-term painful emotion, the patient concentrates on the question of how this emotion arises, and further realizes the excessive breadth of the use of irrational attitudes, their excessive personalization, and, as a result, gains the ability to replace them with more accurate and flexible ones , less egocentric, more adaptive and realistic. The task of the psychotherapist is to consistently structure these processes, to help the patient develop several new alternative rules (rational attitudes), which would guide him in his behavior. A successful solution to this problem is determined by the process of O. and the skillful use of its mechanisms by a psychotherapist.

In humanistic psychotherapy, the significance of the O. process and its basic mechanisms is most fully revealed by the concepts of personality adopted in the framework of this area. In the concept of personality described, for example, by Rogers (Rogers S. R.), some aspects of an individual's experience in the process of its development acquire a character, symbolized in O. of being, O. of its functioning. This is what Rogers calls self-experience. As you interact with the environment, in particular with the significant environment, the self-experience in O. gradually develops into a self-concept (real "I", i.e. self-image). Another important link is the ideal "I" - an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a person would like to be. The ideal “I” is largely formed under the influence of the outside, under the influence of norms and values \u200b\u200bimposed on a person by the environment and not always consistent with his own needs and aspirations, with his real “I”. As O. "I" is measured, the individual develops a need for a positive assessment. This need, according to the author, is central to all people, is comprehensive and constant. In order to maintain a positive assessment from those around him, an individual begins to falsify some of his evaluations and perceive them only by the criterion of value for those around him. There is a significant obstacle to the development of the psychological maturity of the individual, his development as a self-actualizing personality, and neurotic behavior is formed.

The frustration of the need for a positive assessment (self-esteem) is alarming. The level of anxiety depends on the degree of threat to the self-structure. If the defense process is ineffective, the experience is fully symbolized in O., and the integrity of the self-structure is destroyed by this experience of incongruence, correctly symbolized in O. As a result, a state of disorganization occurs. The basic principles of client-centered psychotherapy developed by Rogers correspond to the above understanding of personality and impaired functioning.

It is necessary to highlight the personality-oriented (reconstructive) psychotherapy of Karvasar, Isurina, Tashlykov as an option of domestic psychotherapy, developed at the Psychoneurological Institute. V.M. Ankylosing spondylitis. O. within the framework of this method it is customary to consider in 3 areas: intellectual (cognitive aspect), emotional and behavioral. In general, the tasks of intellectual O. are reduced to the following directions: O. of the interrelations "personality-situation-disease"; O. the interpersonal plan of self; O. genetic (historical) plan. A. the relationship "personality-situation-disease" is not critical for the actual psychotherapeutic effectiveness, it rather creates a sustainable motivation for the active and informed participation of the patient in the psychotherapeutic process. In the emotional sphere, in the process of O., the patient begins to understand and verbalize his feelings, can acquire sincerity in relation to feelings for himself, reveal his problems with their corresponding experiences, make emotional corrections of his relations, modify the way of experiences of emotional response, perception of relationships with others. The patient’s ability to correct non-adaptive reactions and behaviors taking into account their significance and functions in the structure of psychopathological disorders is the main consequence of the O. process in the behavioral sphere. With personality-oriented (reconstructive) psychotherapy, Karvasarsky, Isurina, Tashlykov, especially in its group form, not only O. matters, but mainly the formation of a more adequate self-awareness and the expansion of its boundaries.

The O. process in almost all psychotherapeutic systems is given great importance. With the introduction of video technology in psychotherapy, the possibility of a more directed influence on the formation of the O. process in various fields appeared, which leads to its acceleration and thereby to an increase in the effectiveness of psychotherapy.
