Pantogam for newborns in tablets. Why and how to take pantogam for the treatment of children and adults. The consequences of the use of "Pantogam"

Pantogam belongs to the group of nootropic medicines (Greek: noos mind, mind + tropos direction), which have a stimulating effect on brain activity.

These drugs improve memory without affecting motor activity, reflexes and autonomic functions of the body.

Why Pantogam children?

The reason for prescribing a nootropic drug to children is a violation of metabolic processes in brain tissues, which can be the cause of the following diseases:

  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • cerebral palsy of various forms;
  • impaired mental function;
  • mental retardation;
  • disorders of speech and motor functions;
  • epilepsy;
  • urination disorders;
  • other, no less serious ailments.

The causes of such disorders can be brain injuries, intrauterine hypoxia, unfavorable environmental conditions, hereditary diseases of the nervous system.

It is possible to prevent the occurrence of unwanted diseases and even eliminate the likelihood of their occurrence in childhood much faster and more efficiently. A timely prescribed medicine can protect against many problems both in childhood, when basic vital functions are formed, and in adulthood.

Indications for the use of a nootropic agent must be strong. For a child from the first days of life, these can be:

  • infectious lesions of brain cells;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • tremor of the limbs (arms, legs, chin);
  • cerebral hypoxia, high intracranial pressure;
  • epileptic syndrome;
  • disorders associated with an excess of cerebrospinal fluid in the tissues surrounding the brain (hydrocephalus).

Parents may be concerned about symptoms such as shaking of the chin or hands. It should be noted that this may be a consequence of the discomfort of the first three months of the baby's life, in conjunction with the nervous system that has not yet been adapted, and not at all a sign of a serious illness. The disorders recorded at the doctor’s appointment may well turn out to be a baby’s reaction to the stress that he experiences from an unfamiliar environment, the presence of a stranger, and a variety of voices. Children's hysterical crying can cause an increase in intracranial pressure and provoke a tremor.

If the doctor's diagnosis is in doubt, you should contact another specialist to confirm or cancel the conclusion. Recommendations should not be ignored.

If trembling is observed in a calm, relaxed state, it is necessary to check intracranial pressure, and in case of an increased value, conduct a comprehensive examination. The cause may be difficult childbirth, toxicosis and hypoxia during pregnancy. Pantogam will help get rid of toxins and lack of oxygen.

Pantogam tablets

These and other health problems of the baby can be localized and have no consequences in the future if treatment is started on time. Advanced stages of diseases associated with brain function can cause death. Therefore, it is so important to take the appointments of specialists seriously and be attentive to the behavior of the child.

The appointment of the drug must certainly be made by a doctor. Self-administration of medications can lead to irreversible processes, especially when it comes to the central nervous system and brain functions.

Reviews about the drug reflect the characteristics of the individual tolerability of the drug. There are opinions that doctors prescribe Pantogam "just in case", with any suspicion of a disorder of the nervous system.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that physiotherapy and massage can sometimes be more useful and, indeed, the appointment of Pantogam often occurs "for safety net." But at the same time he notes that "at best, it will not do harm."

pantogam syrup

The appointment of Pantogam syrup or tablets should occur exclusively for medicinal purposes. The doctor will prescribe treatment if one of the diagnoses requiring the use of nootropic substances is made. The mode of administration and dosage should correspond to the characteristics of a small patient. Given the complexity of diagnosing and treating diseases of the nervous system, parents should carefully consider the treatment process and carefully monitor the behavior of the child during the period of taking the drug. Timely noticed changes will avoid negative consequences.

It is necessary to take into account the existing probability of individual intolerance to the substances that make up the medicinal product.

For parents whose children have been prescribed Pantogam treatment, it is very important to understand that this one is the most harmless in the line of nootropic drugs.

Stimulant medications are needed to treat brain disorders associated with attention, speech, visualization, and executive functions.

Pantogam promotes active absorption of glucose by nerve cells, which adds energy and improves blood circulation in the brain.

Along with healing properties, the drug also has protective properties: it prevents the effects of toxins and lack of oxygen on cells, helps to restore neural connections after damage of a different nature.

The use of Pantogam has a positive effect on the body:

  • stimulates brain activity;
  • maintains emotional and mental balance;
  • increases physical endurance;
  • protects cells from the effects of adverse factors;
  • saturates the brain with oxygen.

The basis of the drug is the calcium salt of hopantenic acid, which is closer in composition to vitamin B 15. One of the elements of the drug molecule is a mediator, which helps the electrochemical impulse of the nervous system to reach, for example, muscle tissues. The mediator initiates biochemical reactions resulting in an action potential.

By influencing metabolic processes, the drug restores the balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition, successfully prevents and relieves convulsions, has a moderate calming effect, which favorably affects the quality of sleep.

Increasing the efficiency of the brain, reduces motor excitability.

Systemic studies designed to identify the consequences of its use have confirmed the claimed properties of the drug.

The medicine is produced in the form of a syrup for children under 3 years of age and tablets for children over 3 years of age and adult patients.

The composition of syrup and tablets is different. In order to exclude allergic reactions, it is necessary to compare the compositions and choose the most suitable one.

The desire to avoid neglected disorders of brain activity encourages parents to treat the recommendations of specialists with a high degree of responsibility.

And this is understandable - the loads that the child will face first in kindergarten, and then at school, will require:

  • high cognitive activity;
  • increased mental activity;
  • serious physical fitness;
  • intense speech activity.

Every parent wants to ensure that the baby is ready for the upcoming tests. To be sure that the brain works without disturbances and copes with all functions, timely treatment with the most harmless drug Pantogam will help.

Side effects

Official sources of information about the drug say that clinical trials confirm the safety and the claimed effect of taking.

The instructions say that in the form of Pantogam syrup it is shown to children from the first day of life, since the developers paid special attention to minimizing the negative effect of the drug on the emotional state of the baby.

Contraindications for taking the drug in children are:

  • acute kidney disease;
  • individual intolerance.

allergic reactions

The instructions for use indicate that taking Pantogam can cause allergic skin rashes, urticaria, nasal congestion,. Such a response of the body to the drug requires a dose reduction and consultation with a doctor. If necessary, the appointment will be cancelled.

In practice, reports of such reactions are extremely rare.

Sleep disturbance or drowsiness

Somewhat more often than allergic rashes, side effects are manifested in the form or, conversely, increased drowsiness.

Such an effect of the drug on the child can cause anxiety in parents.

From the point of view of medicine, such reactions occur in the first days of taking the drug, are considered safe and have no consequences.

Noise or pounding in the head

Undesirable reactions from the central nervous system can manifest themselves in the form of noise and knocking in the head. Reducing the dosage is sufficient in this case. Like sleep disturbances, these side effects are not significant. After a few days, the baby's condition is normal.

If the symptoms of side effects increase, the drug should be discontinued and the overdose treated with activated charcoal or gastric lavage.


Pantogam deservedly received the title of the leading nootropic agent used to treat children from infancy.

Like any remedy, Pantogam should be used in accordance with the appointments of specialists, made on the basis of the diagnosis and taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Pantogam is a drug belonging to the group of nootropics that affect the metabolism of the child's brain. This group of drugs is used for all conditions in which the brain suffers - head injuries, strokes, neuroinfections. But our portal is closer to the use of pantogam in pediatric neurological practice, in the relief of the effects of hypoxia during childbirth and pregnancy. There are many reasons for the development of this condition, because pantogam, like its analogues, is in demand and is used quite often.
The active substance of pantogam is hopantenic acid, which differs in its action from most other nootropics, such as piracetam, nootropil and others. Half of it is a vitamin (pantothenic acid - vitamin B15), and half is a brain mediator responsible for such physiological processes as sleep, the balance of excitation and inhibition. This neurotransmitter is called gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GABA). Its slightly modified molecule is known to many, both anesthesiologists and patients, in particular, women in labor who are prescribed drug-induced sleep during childbirth - it is just carried out with a GHB drug similar to that described above. It is clear what the main action of this part of the pantogam molecule will be - sedative, anticonvulsant, hypnotic. This implies the use of the drug - all diseases and conditions associated with increased excitability, sleep disturbance, convulsive readiness. These conditions often occur in pediatric neurology, accompanying perinatal encephalopathy (PEP), hydrocephalus, post-traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, and other diseases. With all of them pantogam is shown.
The main nootropics, while certainly effective, have one important drawback. They are good when "heavy artillery" is required - for example, piracetam, when administered intravenously, well removes alcohol, drugs and other coma. But if it is used in children in a lighter condition, who need to attend school or kindergarten, learn lessons, play, then it causes the effect of increased excitability, insomnia and even sleepwalking. This is understandable - after all, the drug speeds up the metabolism in the brain, which, of course, is necessary, but subjectively it is difficult for a child to tolerate.
Pantogam, on the other hand, acts gently, does not disturb sleep and mental activity. Therefore, it does not require the additional use of tranquilizers or sedative herbs like other nootropics. It improves the absorption of oxygen by the brain, and it can be given to children right from birth, using a special dosage form - syrup.
In addition to purely neurological use, pantogam is effective in so-called cognitive disorders: speech delay, memory disorders, hyperactivity syndrome - fairly common disorders in children of the borderline psychological type. It is important here that the child, receiving treatment, lives at home, attends a children's institution, communicates with peers - after all, pantogam does not detect either drowsiness or any other side effects characteristic of psychiatric drugs.
The drug pantogam, in my opinion, is one of the most successful and effective in pediatric neurology.

A nootropic drug that helps restore metabolic processes in brain tissues - Pantogam. The drug has its own characteristics due to the composition.

It is similar to the B vitamins, but at the same time has all the properties of nootropics.

Pantogam contains the main component - which improves brain function. Its main property is to increase the resistance of the brain to hypoxia and the effects of toxins.

The tool has anticonvulsant and sedative properties, has a beneficial effect on the mental work and memory of the patient. Increases efficiency, muscle tone of the gallbladder and bladder. Removes alcohol intoxication in chronic alcoholism.

Pharmacological properties and composition

Pantogam increases anabolic processes in neurons, reduces motor excitability. The specific effect of the drug is associated with its neurometabolic, neuroprotective and neurotrophic manifestations. It has low toxicity, does not cause allergic manifestations.

It has sedative and stimulating properties on mental abilities and performance. Improves blood circulation in the brain and enhances energy processes.

The drug is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and seeps through the BBB. Most of it is concentrated in the kidneys, liver, stomach walls and skin. Comes out unchanged after two days. It is excreted from the body with urine, and a small part of it is taken with feces.

Pantogam is produced in the form of a syrup for children, tablets and capsules. The syrup is colorless or slightly yellowish in color, with a cherry smell. The active ingredients of the drug

  • basic– calcium salt of hopantenic acid;
  • auxiliary- glycerol, sorbitol, citric acid, aspartame, cherry flavor and water.

Produced in dark-colored bottles with a measuring spoon with a capacity of 100 ml.

Tablets - white in the form of a flat cylinder. Active ingredients:

  • basic- calcium salt of hopantenic acid;
  • auxiliary- methylcellulose, calcium stearate, magnesium hydroxycarbonate.

Tablets are produced in two dosages of the active substance: 250 mg and 500 mg.

Mechanism of action

The impact of Pantogam is based on the presence of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is directly related to the spectrum of its action on the body.

The action of the drug consists in a direct effect on the GABAB-receptor-channel complex, as a result of which the brain becomes invulnerable to hypoxia and poisoning with toxins. It has anticonvulsant properties, relieves motor excitability and increases anabolic processes in neurons.

Application area

For what purpose and why do specialists prescribe Pantogam to their patients:

Contraindications to the appointment

The remedy has contraindications that are taken into account before taking. These include:

  • intolerance to the active or auxiliary component;
  • acute renal failure;
  • childbearing and breastfeeding.

Children under 3 years of age should not be given medicine in tablets - a special syrup is made for them.

Tactics and strategy for receiving funds

Pantogam in tablets or syrup for children is taken orally after a meal in half an hour. It is necessary to drink the medicine before 16-00, in the evening or at night the drug is not taken, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep.

Dose for single use in adult patients - 250-1000 mg, per day - 1.5-3 g. Children - 250-500 mg and 750-1000 mg, respectively.

Therapy is long - from a month to four, and sometimes up to six months. Repeated treatment should be started after 3-6 months of break. The dosage directly depends on the disease, so the independent use of the drug is strictly prohibited.

The drug is used in combination therapy with other drugs.

From the instructions it follows that the approximate dosages of Pantogam for adults, depending on the disease, are as follows:

This dosage is designed for the use of tablets and syrup. During treatment, adjuvant therapy with other drugs of the same group is not allowed.

Children's dosages

The treatment regimen implies a slow increase in the dose over 7-12 days, then there is therapy with a maximum dose of 15-40 days, followed by a 7-day dose reduction until the end of the use of the drug. Repeated treatment is possible after 1-3 months.

Cases of overdose and "side effects"

If you mistakenly take a larger amount of the drug, there is an increase in adverse reactions: drowsiness, insomnia, and.

It is necessary to perform a gastric lavage, drink activated charcoal or Smecta. Treat symptoms as needed. An overdose occurs when an overdose of the drug is mistakenly taken, for each person this indicator is individual.

Side effects from taking Pantogam include allergic manifestations:

  • rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • skin rashes.

To eliminate them, a dose reduction or complete withdrawal of the drug is required. Often there is insomnia or drowsiness, noise and pain in the head. Cancel treatment is not worth it - this is a short-term phenomenon.

special instructions

If the treatment is long-term, it is impossible to use other nootropic drugs that stimulate the nervous system simultaneously with the drug.

At the beginning of treatment, drowsiness may occur, so it is necessary to carefully perform potentially hazardous types of work and drive a car. A break after treatment is at least 1-3 months.

During treatment, the use of alcoholic beverages is unacceptable. But it is also known to relieve hangovers well. In that case, it is worth taking it only in tablets and not earlier than 12 hours after the last serving of alcohol consumed. Pantogam relieves headaches, restores efficiency and relieves intoxication.

Pantogam is not recommended for severe kidney disease. Also taken with caution in acute liver dysfunction. If nausea, vomiting and yellowness appear on the mucous membranes and skin, the drug should be discontinued.

Interaction with other drugs

Pantogam increases the duration of action of barbiturates, enhances the properties of anticonvulsant drugs and the effect of local anesthetics (novocaine). Does not give the development of side effects in the treatment of neuroleptics, and.

Increases the effect of etidronic acid preparations.

During pregnancy and lactation

Pantogam does not have a toxic effect on the fetus, but it should not be used in the first trimester. The remedy in the form of a syrup can be taken from the beginning of the second trimester.

The active substance passes into breast milk, so breastfeeding and simultaneous treatment should be abandoned.

Complex of opinions

According to doctors, Pantogam is effective in the treatment of children under 10 years of age. For adults, this is too weak a remedy.

In children, improvement occurs within a week. The action of the drug is mild, it does not overexcite the child. Differs in a convenient form of release, safety, reasonable price. The downside is the possibility of an allergic reaction, skin rashes.

There are many reviews on the network from parents of children who were treated with this drug. Many mothers did not understand the reasons for prescribing this medication and did not begin to undergo treatment.

Some note that after the start of therapy, disturbances occurred in the gastrointestinal tract, and increased excitability in the child was also observed. But there are still much more positive reviews about Pantogam, the drug helped to cure the consequences of TBI, the condition of newborns improved significantly, and other positive results are noted.

Adult patients notice a significant improvement in chronic fatigue, insomnia and stress.

Based on the advice of patients, the drug should not be used for prophylactic purposes, therapy should be prescribed by a doctor according to indications. This is due to the possible manifestation of allergic symptoms, which can harm the health of the patient.

Purchase of the drug and its analogues

Pantogam price:

  • tablets 500 mg 50 pieces- 500 rubles;
  • tablets for children from 3 years 250 mg 50 pieces- 300 rubles;
  • syrup 10% bottle 100 ml- 300 rubles.

Tablets are recommended to be kept in a dry place where there is no access to children and the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees. Tablets 250 mg are suitable for up to 4 years, 500 mg - 3 years, syrup - 2 years, an open bottle can be kept for only a month in a cold place.

The drug is dispensed in a pharmacy by prescription from a doctor.

Analogues of Pantogam:

  • Pantocalcin;
  • Gopantam;
  • Phenibut.

Pantogam is an ideal drug for the treatment of children's problems with brain pathologies and other disorders of the nervous system. The ability to use it from birth gives it a huge advantage over other nootropics.

Pantogam is a drug from the group of nootropics. It has an anticonvulsant effect, prevents oxygen starvation of the brain, forms its resistance to toxins, and activates metabolism in neurons.

Pantogam has a slight sedative effect and relieves motor excitability. For newborns, the drug is available in the form of a syrup.

Despite the relative safety, this drug should be taken only on the prescription of a doctor in appropriate cases.

Pantogam is prescribed for young children in the following cases:

  • brain damage of infectious and traumatic origin;
  • as part of complex therapy to relieve the effects of hypoxia (during pregnancy or childbirth);
  • movement disorders due to brain damage (with Parkinson's disease, Huntington's chorea, etc.);
  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • mental retardation, mental retardation;
  • motor and speech disorders;
  • hyperactivity and nervous tics;
  • frequent urination of neurogenic origin.


  • high sensitivity to the active components of the drug;
  • severe kidney pathology.

Pantogam is not prescribed for preventive purposes. Only for treatment! Doses and course of administration depend on the severity of the disease, the age of the child, and comorbidities.

Pantogam is given to the child twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, fifteen minutes after. On average, the course of treatment takes from one to four months.

In rare cases, it is delayed up to six months or a year (in the treatment of epilepsy, for example). After one course, repeated therapy may be necessary, before which a break of three to six months is taken.

A single dose for a newborn is 0.25-0.5 g. (average). Usually begin treatment with a minimum dose, gradually increase it. And in the last week of treatment, the dosage is gradually reduced.

For the treatment of infectious diseases and brain injuries, the recommended daily dose is 1-3 grams. Therapy of nervous tics - 1-3 grams. The course is from one to five months.

In violation of urination, give Pantogam two to three times a day, 1-2 grams. Treated for one to three months.

The drug should not be given immediately before bedtime. Since it is possible to provoke excessive nervous excitability, undesirable for this time of day.

  • How to choose the right high-quality, hypoallergenic, which will be both comfortable, high-quality and inexpensive, is described in our article.
  • What is the time frame for registering a newborn at the place of registration of the mother or father, and you will find out other useful legal information about registration and obtaining documents.
  • And leading doctors tell how to protect your baby from such a dangerous disease as Staphylococcus aureus, how it manifests itself and is diagnosed. What dangerous complications.

Possible side effects:

  • allergic reactions (rashes, allergic rhinitis, eye redness);

If you are allergic to the active substances of Pantogam, it is better to cancel the drug. An overdose of the drug increases the side effects.

It is impossible to take Pantogam simultaneously with other nootropics. The drug also enhances the effect of novocaine, sulfonamides; reduces side effects from taking antipsychotics, antiepileptic drugs, barbiturates.


If there are pathologies in neurology, then Pantogam syrup is a salvation for mom and baby. My baby girl was born with a wrap around her neck. In the maternity hospital, they immediately said to give Pantogam: it helps with hypoxia, relieves excitability and convulsions. Giving it is very easy. Take the right amount of droplets with a pipette, dilute it in a spoon with water and give it to the baby. Daughter tolerated it well. After all, Patnogam has a pleasant aroma of cherries and a sweet aftertaste. Improvements appeared after two weeks of treatment. The child stopped crying all the time. Convulsions and tone disappeared. The head is holding, and there is no pain in this regard. Wonderful drug! If your doctor has prescribed, take it.


My child was diagnosed with hydrocephalic syndrome and encephalopathy of various origins. We were prescribed Pantogam tablets. We took several courses. Control ultrasound showed improvement. Additional massage and physiotherapy prevented motor delay. But by the age of one and a half, the child spoke only in separate syllables. The doctor again prescribed Pantogam in tablets. Now we treat speech delay. Let's hope everything gets back to normal.


At three months, my daughter underwent a routine checkup. The neurologist sent me for an ultrasound of the brain. The images showed an expansion of the interhemispheric fissure. The doctor said that this is one of the signs of ICP, and prescribed Pantogam. Daughter drank it calmly. There were no problems with this. But somewhere in half an hour she began to spit up (this had not happened before). I didn't sleep at all during the day. I used to sleep badly, but now I don't sleep at all. Crying all the time, naughty. We went back to the neurologist. The doctor prescribed another drug. In general, Pantogam did not suit us.

It happens that a doctor prescribes Pantogam to a healthy-looking baby, but the medicine is also used to treat older children. This is a drug that belongs to nootropics - medicines that affect brain function. Most parents are concerned about the question of how dangerous is intervention in the work of the central nervous system? Will this medicine harm the baby? We will figure out what the main functions of Pantogam are, why it is prescribed for babies, and learn about possible side effects.

For disorders of higher nervous activity in children, Pantogam is often prescribed.

Description of Pantogam

Pantogam is an anticonvulsant nootropic. Its action is described in the annotation:

  • activates brain activity, which awakens the child's interest in learning, knowledge of the world around;
  • removes emotional imbalance, brings the psychological state of the patient into balance;
  • helps to establish a healthy sleep;
  • helps to avoid convulsive conditions;
  • ensures the safety of nerve cells;
  • promotes the regeneration of neurons and activates the emergence of new ones;
  • normalizes the blood circulation of the brain and ensures the removal of substances formed during the breakdown of glucose;
  • works as a brain protection against hypoxia and toxic effects.

Release form and composition

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The drug is produced in two forms - in the form of syrup and tablets. The second option is used to treat adult patients and children older than 3 years.

Pantogam syrup for newborns and infants is used for therapy in children under 3 years of age, for older babies - only tablets.

As part of the drug, calcium hopantenate (pantogam) acts as an active substance, and auxiliary ingredients are also present. Consider the composition of the tablets:

  • calcium hopantenate - 0.25 or 0.5 g;
  • magnesium hydroxycarbonate;
  • calcium stearate;
  • methylcellulose;
  • talc.

Pantogam syrup for newborns and babies

The composition of the syrup is much richer - consider what exactly is included in 100 ml of the drug. In addition to the active substance, there is a whole list of components as auxiliary ingredients:

  • calcium hopantenate - 10 g (basic substance);
  • sorbitol;
  • glycerol;
  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • cherry flavor;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • aspartame;
  • water.

When is Pantogam prescribed?

There are clear indications for the use of the drug. We list those that are indicated in the instructions:

Perinatal encephalopathy - an indication for the use of Pantogam from birth (we recommend reading:)
  • Perinatal encephalopathy - with this diagnosis, they begin to give syrup to newborns.
  • In various variants of cerebral palsy, they are also given to drink to newborns.
  • Mental retardation against the background of behavioral abnormalities.
  • Psychological pathologies, they include various developmental delays - mental, physical, deviations in motor and speech functions (ZRR).
  • Hyperactivity and other hyperkinetic disorders.
  • Deviations of the psyche, due to neurotic disorders associated with cognitive (cognitive) processes. Sometimes such disorders are caused by brain injuries or occur during the recovery period after neuroinfections.
  • Tic, stuttering, inorganic neoprene and other neurotic conditions.
  • Schizophrenia and associated cerebral organic disorders. In these cases, the drug is used in combination with psychotropic drugs.
  • Huntington's syndrome, Parkinson's disease and diseases of a similar kind.
  • Epileptic seizures, as a result of which deterioration in mental perception is possible, as well as inhibition of cognitive processes. In such situations, Pantogam is prescribed along with other medicines that have an anticonvulsant effect.
  • Deviations in the work of the genitourinary system of a neurogenic nature. These include enuresis, frequent urination, and other imperative-type disorders.

Pantogam is prescribed for excessive excitability and during stressful situations
  • To support psycho-emotional balance during stressful situations, as well as to improve physical condition, increase efficiency, enhance mental activity.
  • As an "assistant" in developing the reading, writing, numeracy and logical thinking skills that school-age children need.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Despite a lot of positive effects and good tolerance, Pantogam has contraindications. We will list the most important ones. Tablets are not recommended:

  • children under three years of age;
  • women during pregnancy and lactation.

The syrup is also contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. In addition, this drug is not suitable for people diagnosed with phenylketonuria, since aspartame is indicated in the composition of the syrup.

  • individual sensitivity to one or more components of the drug;
  • renal dysfunction in the acute phase.

Side effects

In what cases do side effects occur? They are possible with prolonged use of the drug, as well as in violation of the recommendations listed in the instructions. Consider the possible side effects:

Long-term use of Pantogam or its overdose can cause insomnia
  • allergic reaction - urticaria, rash, conjunctivitis;
  • insomnia;
  • lethargy or, conversely, hyperactivity.

With an overdose of the drug, psychoemotional disorders are also possible. Such deviations can be expressed in a lethargic or overly active behavior of the patient. In addition, an overdose can cause allergies and symptoms of intoxication - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

It is important to consider the interaction of the drug with other medicines. Anticonvulsants, barbiturates, sedatives will become more effective in collaboration with Pantogam. At the same time, the drug reduces the manifestations of side effects of neuroleptics and Phenobarbital.

Experts warn parents: Pantogam is not given to children for preventive purposes. This medicine is used for treatment only.

Methods of application with dosage calculation

The drug should be given to the patient, correctly calculating the dosage. The duration of administration, the daily dose is determined by the age of the child, the severity of his condition, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases.

Pantogam must be taken strictly according to the instructions

If we are talking about babies, syrup should be given to him twice a day after feeding. It is desirable that the interval between eating and taking the medicine is at least a quarter of an hour. Experts do not recommend medicine for use at bedtime, as it can cause nervous excitement in the baby.

Up to 12 months, the regimen of the drug and the dosage are calculated based on the body weight of the baby: from 30 to 50 mg of Pantogam per 1 kg of baby weight. If the baby is older than a year, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • At one time, the child should receive at least 250 mg of the active substance. For syrup, this means 2.5 ml, but if we are talking about tablets, then 1 piece of 250 mg, or ½ - 500 mg.
  • The upper limit of a single use of the active substance is 500 mg. This means - 5 ml of syrup / 2 tablets of 250 mg or 1 piece of 500 mg.
  • In the course of therapy in one day, the baby cannot receive less than 750 mg of the active substance. This means - 7.5 ml of syrup, or 3 tablets of 250 mg, 1.5 pieces of 500 mg.
  • A child should not take more than 3000 mg of calcium hopantenate per day. This amount of the substance is contained in 30 ml of syrup, 12 tablets of 250 mg, or in 6 pieces of 500 mg.

The duration of taking Pantogam is determined by the attending physician.

On average, the drug is limited to 3 months (at least 1 month). In exceptional cases, the doctor may recommend continuing to take Pantogam for up to six months or even a year. So much time may be required for the treatment of epilepsy and other serious diseases.

Separately, the dosage is indicated for the treatment of infectious diseases, the consequences of brain injuries, and various tics. It ranges from 1000 to 3000 mg of the active substance per day. The course of treatment should not be less than 30 and more than 45 days.

Name of the diseaseSingle dose / per day, mgDuration of treatment
Asthenia250-1500 mg / 750 - 3000 mgDetermined by the doctor
developmental delay250-1000mg/250-2000mgAt least 30 days, treatment up to 3 months is possible
cognitive deviations250-1500mg/750-3000mgAt least 45 days, the duration of treatment may be more than 4 months
Organic pathologies of the brain (injuries, infections)250 mg/750-1000 mgAt least 45 days
Psycho-emotional disorders, overload500 mg/750-1000 mgDetermined by the doctor
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder250-1000 mg/250-2000 mgFrom 45 days to 4 months
Tiki of various types250-500 mg/750-3000 mgFrom 30 days to 4 months
Mental retardation120-1000 mg/1000-3000 mgDetermined by the doctor
Schizophrenia500 mg/3000 mgDetermined by the doctor
Extrapyramidal hyperkinesis250-500 mg/500-3000 mgDetermined by the doctor
Epilepsy250-500 mg/750-1000 mgAt least a year or more

Drug analogues

Pantogam is produced by the Russian company PIK-PharmaPro LLC. If you need to replace it and choose an analogue, it makes sense to pay attention to the following items:

Calcium Gopantheonate is an analogue of Pantogam and is used for children over 3 years old.
  • Gopantam - this medicine is made on the basis of the same active substance as Pantogam. Available in the form of tablets of 250 and 500 mg.
  • Calcium Gopantheonate - is produced in the form of tablets of 250 mg. The instructions indicate that the drug is not intended for children under 3 years of age.
  • Pantocalcin - is available in the form of tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g. It is not used for children under 3 years old.

Note that not all experts consider Pantogam an effective drug. Some reputable doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, note that this remedy has no evidence base, and its effect is doubtful. At the same time, you can use it as directed by a doctor - the medicine will not bring harm.

Other experts believe that Pantogam justifies its purpose, especially in cases of urinary disorders in children. Due to the ambiguous opinions of experts, it is not recommended to use the medicine without consulting a doctor.
