What are zirconia crowns? Zirconium crowns for teeth: reviews, photo Zirconium filling

Zirconia dental crowns do not contain metal, but retain their high strength. This gives them many advantages over metal-ceramic and all-ceramic structures. Zirconium crowns can be placed on both anterior and posterior teeth: they easily withstand the chewing load, while looking as natural as possible. Zirconium crowns are lightweight and do not overload in case it is necessary to install a long bridge based on the patient's natural teeth. At the same time, such prostheses require less careful grinding of the tooth before installation - they are an order of magnitude thinner than their metal-ceramic counterparts. Finally, zirconium dental crowns are hypoallergenic and highly biocompatible, therefore they are absolutely safe for the body.

Types of zirconium crowns

There are two types of zirconium crowns. The first is a prosthesis made entirely of zirconium, and the second is a design that combines a zirconium base and a ceramic coating. The second type has better aesthetic properties: it is preferable to install combined zirconium crowns on the front teeth. When it comes to prosthetics of posterior teeth, it is recommended to use one-piece orthopedic structures. To achieve the desired shade of artificial enamel, workers in the dental laboratory tint the crown, add shadows and shine. As a result, it takes less time to make such a prosthesis.

Installation of zirconium crowns

Zirconium crowns for anterior teeth

Zirconium crowns on the front teeth are installed according to the same principle as on the side teeth; the only difference is that during the waiting period until the dental laboratory makes the crowns, the doctor offers to supply temporary plastic constructions. As mentioned above, it is better to choose zirconium crowns for anterior teeth not entirely of zirconium, but with a zirconium framework covered with a thin layer of ceramic. In this case, you will not get the "toilet smile" effect, and your teeth will look as natural as possible.

Zirconium crown or cermet?

Patients often face the question of which is better - a zirconium crown or a metal-ceramic? To answer this question, one must remember that zirconium has many advantages over a cermet construction. This material is stronger, but at the same time looks much more natural, therefore it is highly recommended for use in prosthetics of anterior teeth. A zirconium crown does not change color over time, and an unaesthetic strip of metal does not appear at the base of the tooth. In addition, zirconium has a low thermal conductivity, so it will not cause discomfort when eating hot or cold food.

Nevertheless, cermet has a huge plus - this is its cost. A turnkey zirconium crown costs about 4 - 5 times more than a metal-ceramic crown. This difference is due to the cost of consumables and the complexity of the technical process, but the durability and aesthetic properties of zirconium fully compensate for it. In any case, a zirconium or metal-ceramic crown - everyone decides individually, of course, not without the help of an orthopedic doctor.

How much does a zirconium crown cost in Moscow?

In order to tell how much a zirconium crown costs, it is necessary to take into account a number of cost factors. It is important to understand whether an inlay will be needed under the crown and how it will be installed - on your own tooth or on an implant. Prices for zirconium crowns in Moscow can vary greatly depending on the level of dentistry and the professionalism of the doctor. On average, the installation of a zirconium crown in Moscow will cost about 20,000 - 30,000 rubles per tooth. Having made a decision on their installation, specify what procedures are included in the price and how much you will need to pay extra for accompanying services. It will be useful to clarify whether the clinic gives a guarantee for the installation of zirconium crowns.

The possibilities of prosthetics have reached a level where the crown can last for more than ten years. And the pinnacle of this achievement was zirconium crowns for teeth. Their price, photos and reviews of satisfied patients are given below.

Has an ugly and unnatural appearance. Ceramics has a number of limitations. And zirconium dusting gives the teeth a natural translucent whiteness, makes the smile radiant and healthy.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of using zirconium crowns for front teeth and any others is due to a number of advantages:

  • The natural translucency makes the crown look natural.
  • The selected enamel color does not change over time.
  • The robustness of the construction guarantees long-term use of the prosthesis.
  • Reliable fixation of the crown ensures a good fit to the tooth and the inability to develop pathogenic flora.
  • There is practically no allergy to such material, so they are suitable for most patients.
  • Zirconium safety for human health. It is not rejected by the body, does not irritate the gums, does not cause poisoning or any other negative reactions.
  • To install such a crown, it is not necessary to sharpen a healthy unit too much.
  • Can be installed not only on the front, but also on the chewing teeth and even on implants.
  • There is no gray tint in the adjacent area between the crown and the gum.
  • It is possible to create a structure for one tooth or a whole bridge from several units arranged in a row.

Of the minuses, only the high price can be distinguished. This is due to both the use of expensive material and complex manufacturing technology.

Indications and contraindications

The need to install such crowns is:

  • Diseases of internal organs, in which the possibility of other methods of prosthetics is excluded.
  • Complete or partial absence of front teeth.
  • Destruction of chewing units.
  • Telescopic zirconium structures.
  • Allergic reactions to other materials used in prosthetics.

Even if the patient has access to other methods of restoration of the dentition, he can choose zirconium crowns as the most durable and natural in appearance.

Among the contraindications, a minimum of conditions are noted:

  1. Pregnancy period.
  2. Too pronounced.
  3. Bruxism -. But even in this case, the doctor can find a way out, for example, the use of special mouth guards.
  4. Acute inflammation or infection in the oral cavity. First, they should be cured.
  5. Mental illness, as with most complex dental procedures.

Before and after photos

Manufacturing technology

To understand what it is - prosthetics using zirconium, otherwise Prettau, you need to understand the technology of creating crowns based on this material.

  1. At the first stage, the frame for the future structure is poured. This is done using a special milling machine, into which zirconium oxide is loaded, and a tooth model is designed on a computer.
  2. At the second stage of creating the crown, a porcelain mass is applied, from which its outer part is made. It is added in layers, gradually firing in an oven to ensure high strength.
  3. The surface is made taking into account the selected shade, painting the enamel accordingly so that the crown does not differ from the natural range.

This technology is called CAD / CAM. Due to the participation of the computer and the automation of the entire process, any errors and errors in the final result are excluded.

Installation of zirconium crowns on teeth

The installation process in the dentist's office is as follows:

  • To begin with, old fillings are removed and possible inflammation, caries and other problems of the oral cavity are treated. Indeed, no one will put crowns on diseased units or gums.
  • Next, the tooth is prepared according to the thickness of the future crown.
  • To make the crown as natural as possible, the doctor creates an impression of the jaw. Due to this, the crown will be designed so that it does not stand out against the background of the natural dentition.
  • While the patient is waiting for a zirconium crown or bridge, a temporary plastic analogue will be installed and his teeth will be ground accordingly.
  • The finished structure is tried on and fixed with a cement mortar. The doctor will definitely give recommendations on how to take care of it, so that the time of use lasts as long as possible.

Life time

Doctors give a guarantee for a zirconium crown for life. This is a very durable material and if you do not specifically destroy it, then it will hold out in its original state for decades. But this will only happen if you take care of your teeth and take good care of the structure.

The nuances of care

  • Daily morning and evening, with correct vertical movements of a toothbrush and quality toothpaste.
  • Rinsing the mouth after each meal.
  • It is necessary to wean yourself from the bad habit of biting through hard objects - nuts, ice, threads, etc.
  • Every six months, a visit to the dentist will protect your teeth from advanced diseases and provide an opportunity to detect emerging problems in time.
  • for cleaning hard-to-reach spaces between teeth from food debris.
  • Any diseases should be treated in time to avoid their spread and complications.


The cost of such crowns will be higher than ceramic or metal. But due to the fact that they are installed once on a permanent basis, this luxury can be justified. The average price in Moscow is 16,000 rubles, and in Kiev - 5,000 hryvnias. Usually, dental clinics offer to purchase the entire package at once, called "turnkey", which includes all visits and procedures from diagnostics to the final stage of crown installation.

But you can find other numbers as well. To do this, you need to figure out what the price of a zirconium crown depends on. And this:

  • the presence of additional diseases that should be treated initially;
  • the number of teeth on which the structures will be installed;
  • their contiguity or fragmentation at the location;
  • the need to make a bridge, etc.

Features of rehabilitation

After the doctor has installed the zirconium crown, you should carefully listen to his recommendations. After all, getting used to it should be gradual. Complaints of increased sensitivity during use, as well as some discomfort, are common. To avoid this you need to:

  1. For a while, give up solid food.
  2. Carefully care for your teeth as recommended by your doctor.
  3. If you have a problem such as bruxism (grinding during sleep), you need to use a special mouth guard at night.
  4. If you are sensitive, do not eat too hot or cold foods.

Over time, the discomfort will disappear, and it will be possible to use artificial teeth like family.

Video: dental crowns based on zirconium dioxide.

Normal teeth Dental prosthetics Technology of dental prosthetics based on zirconium oxide: features and prices in clinics in Moscow

Requirements for the quality of materials for dental prosthetics are growing every year, and today the latest developments and high-quality materials make it possible to restore lost teeth at a high level. What are the features of dental prosthetics based on zirconium dioxide, and how does the technology differ from traditional prosthetics?

What are the features of metal-free ceramic prosthetics?

Zirconium dioxide is a high-tech material that has recently been used in dentistry. This is a significant achievement in the development of metal-free technologies for dental prosthetics, since the material is completely biocompatible with the body, it has long been used in medicine even in people with weak immune systems and allergic reactions.

Expert opinion. Dentist Oreshkin P.O.: “It is important that the material is not electrically conductive, so the galvanic effect is excluded. In addition, low thermal conductivity makes it possible to safely carry out prosthetics on vital teeth, protects the treated teeth from various temperature irritants. Prosthetics based on zirconium dioxide is a unique technology that allows you to select a color that does not differ from the natural color of the patient's enamel. The color selection is carried out both at the level of the tooth cover and at the level of the structure frame. "

The following products are produced from zirconium dioxide types of prostheses:

  • and bridge structures,
  • abutments for fixing crowns on implants,
  • stump tabs,
  • all-zirconium crowns and bridges.

Metal-free crowns are composed of many layers. The frame is zirconium dioxide, on top of which ceramic is applied in layers. You can find two names for this material - zirconium oxide and zirconium dioxide, both of which are correct.

Zirconium oxide transmits light in the same way as enamel.

Zirconium oxide properties

Zirconium oxide has the following properties:

  • lets in light
  • crack resistance,
  • bending strength and resistance to temperature changes,
  • a frame made of zirconium oxide is several times lighter than a metal one,
  • the material does not react with other materials and does not change its structure over time.

Indications and contraindications for the use of metal-free ceramics in dentistry

Modern technologies that work with zirconium oxide make it possible to produce the following views designs:

  • frameworks for single crowns,
  • bridges from 3 to 14 units in length,
  • manufacture of structures with lock fastening,
  • customized abutments for,
  • bar prostheses.

It is advisable to install metal-free crowns in the following cases:

  • it is necessary to restore 2-3 teeth in the anterior region,
  • the tooth is weakened due to the installation of a volumetric filling,
  • there was a need to protect the root filling,
  • as a result of a blow or other trauma, a large, crack, tooth fracture has occurred,
  • improving the appearance of the anterior group of teeth,
  • allergy to other materials,
  • a living, only partially damaged tooth is subject to prosthetics,
  • pathology of the kidneys, endocrine system, when there are contraindications to the use of other types of materials.

Contraindications to the installation of prostheses and zirconium oxide:

The material is not inferior in strength even to metal.

  • bruxism,
  • deep bite,
  • low height of the coronal part of the teeth,
  • lack of space in the oral cavity in height for installing a prosthesis.

Technology advantages

Dental prosthetics based on zirconium dioxide has a mass advantages before traditional prosthetics:

  1. The frame of the structure has a natural transparency.
  2. Deformation of the prosthesis is excluded during operation.
  3. The strength of the material even exceeds the strength of metal, which increases the service life of such structures. The technology of fixing the structure excludes its further loosening; the service life of such prostheses is from 15 to 20 years.
  4. High strength indicators make it possible to manufacture not only long-length prostheses, but also to carry out complex work on implants in combination with ceramic abutments.
  5. At the stage of preparing the teeth for fixing the prosthesis, a minimum layer of hard tissue is removed.
  6. Due to the fact that metal-free crowns are made using modern technologies and computer support, there is no need to adjust the prosthesis after its manufacture.
  7. The accuracy of the prosthesis manufacturing technology excludes the penetration of infection under the crown. As a result, the crown adheres to the gum as closely as possible, which is impossible when using prostheses with metal elements.
  8. High rates of aesthetics make it possible to carry out prosthetics of the anterior teeth at the highest level.

What can be said about disadvantages metal-free dentures? The only drawback of the technology is its high cost. But the quality and service life pays off all the costs.

How is the structure made?

The production of structures from metal-free ceramics takes place in several stages:

Zirconium oxide can be used to make both single crowns and extended bridges.

  1. Impressions are taken from both jaws, according to which a virtual computer model of the dentition is created.
  2. 3D elements of the future structure are created using CAD / CAM technology.
  3. With the help of a special computer program, a three-dimensional model of the frame is created, then the data about this model is transferred to a milling machine for its manufacture.
  4. The frame is turned and sanded.
  5. To create the top layer, a ceramic mass is applied to the frame, after which it is baked at high temperatures.

The installation of the prosthesis is as follows:

  1. The abutment teeth are carefully prepared: old fillings are replaced with new ones, caries is treated, canals are filled, stone and plaque are removed.
  2. The abutment teeth are turned under the crowns.
  3. After the construction is made, it is fixed.

Features of prosthetics with metal-free ceramics

Preparation of the oral cavity before installing zirconium oxide structures requires special care, since the material has the ability to transmit light. If a metal stump is installed in the tooth or the stump of the tooth is darkened, this is taken into account when choosing the color and type of construction. For zirconium oxide prostheses, the cutting edge is clearly visible.

The cost

We give approximate prices for zirconium oxide crowns in clinics in Moscow.

The modern dentistry industry does not stand still. Today, there are a large number of prosthetics options. Many of them can be worthy substitutes for teeth both in terms of physiological properties and in terms of aesthetics. Zirconium crowns are beyond any competition in terms of matching the size of teeth and manufacturing accuracy.

Zirconia crowns

These are heavy-duty dental constructions, which are made using high-tech modern equipment and can be applied to the anterior and posterior chewing teeth.

Zirconium dioxide is a material that today considered one of the highest quality... It is possible to make from it not only single crowns, but also bridges.

Zirconium crowns consist of two layers:

  1. The inner layer (high strength frame) is made of zirconium dioxide.
  2. Outside - porcelain mass sintered on the basis of the frame.

In terms of strength, such a frame is very small inferior to the metal basewhile possessing the ability to transmit the light necessary to achieve the translucency that is characteristic of natural tooth enamel. In turn, metal-ceramic prostheses are deprived of such translucency, since their inner frame is metal and does not transmit light at all. This affects the aesthetics.

Advantages of zirconium crowns

Since zirconia is an incredibly durable material, the lifespan of structures made from it is unlimited.

Have zirconium crowns the only problem - high price. This is explained by the complexity of the technological process, which requires appropriate technical equipment, and the high cost of consumables. However, in return, the patient receives aesthetics and the highest quality.


  • Violation of bite.
  • The weakening of the patient's body after an illness.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Pregnancy.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Manufacturing of zirconium crowns

Structures are made using CAD / CAM technology .

Manufacturing steps

Since the manufacturing process of zirconium crowns is fully automated, possible errors are excluded.

Installation of crowns

  • First of all, the dentist prepares the patient's abutment teeth: replaces old fillings, treats caries, and fills the root canals.
  • Further, for the thickness of future crowns, abutment teeth are ground and scanned in a special computer program. Scanning is necessary in order to create a three-dimensional model of future crowns.
  • The shade of the design is selected.
  • Temporary plastic crowns are made and installed.

After the zirconium structures are made, they try on and fix... At the discretion of the doctor, the fixation can be temporary or permanent.

After the installation of zirconium structures, patients may complain of discomfort and increased sensitivity of the ground teeth. In these cases, it is necessary:

  • Be sure to follow all the doctor's recommendations on the care of the oral cavity and the installed structure.
  • Do not eat solid food for some time.
  • Patients with bruxism should use a night guard.

Necessary care

Twice a day, teeth should be clean with toothpaste and brush.

It is advisable to rinse the oral cavity with water after each meal.

To clean the dental gaps from food debris with dental floss (floss).

You should visit a doctor for a routine examination twice a year.

According to the reviews of a large number of patients, zirconium crowns are an excellent option for prosthetics.

Zirconium oxide is considered the best substance for crowns. The material is distinguished by its super strength, complete harmlessness, hypoallergenicity, wear resistance, and a long service life. The installation procedure allows you to get rid of poor-quality chewing of food, which eases the load on the digestive tract. The bite is leveled and a smile appears.

Expert opinion

Biryukov Andrei Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from the Crimean honey. institute in 1991. Specialization in therapeutic, surgical and prosthetic dentistry including implantology and prosthetics on implants.

Ask an expert

I believe that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then it really may not come to treatment - it will not be necessary. Microcracks and small caries on the teeth can be removed with ordinary paste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I single out Denta Seal. Try it yourself.

How are zirconia crowns made?

Zirconium oxide is a difficult material to work with and therefore requires special attention. The technology for creating zirconium crowns (CAD / CAM) is divided into the following stages:

  1. Therapy of the pathologies present (filling of carious foci, removing tartar, etc.).
  2. Grinding of the chewing organs, which is required for the installation of zirconium crowns.
  3. The doctor creates a dental impression. After absolute solidification, the laser scans it, this allows you to form a model of the future prosthesis.
  4. Production of the structure frame by means of a milling machine. Zirconium oxide is loaded into the device, while the tooth model is designed on the computer.
  5. Layer-by-layer formation of a porcelain mass, creating the appearance of the structure.
  6. The high strength of the prosthesis is ensured by gradual firing in the oven.
  7. The process ends with painting the structure in a natural color.

The process takes place without human participation, except for situations when the computer is waiting for the input of commands to be executed. Full automation made it possible to exclude the possibility of errors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Zirconium crowns have been used in dentistry for over 20 years. They became widespread due to the presence of the following advantages:

  • super strength - arises from the firing of zirconium dioxide in a furnace at a high temperature. After this treatment, the material can be used to create bridges of any length. This allows zirconium dioxide to be the leader among other types of metal-free ceramics, second only in aesthetic characteristics;
  • the features of the prosthesis minimize the likelihood of carious lesions;
  • less grinding of teeth due to the fact that the zirconium construction is much thinner than the cermet. This leads to a greater preservation of dental tissues, and therefore increases the reliability, service life of prostheses;
  • strong attachment of the prosthesis ensures a secure fit to the tooth and stops the development of pathogenic microbes;
  • biocompatibility - crowns are great for patients with metal allergies;
  • aesthetics - the similarity of the design with the enamel of natural teeth in color;
  • it is possible to manufacture a model for one tooth or a whole bridge from several units located in a row.

An additional advantage is the comfortable adaptation of the gingiva to the abutment surface. This plays an important role, given that in most cases patients are not satisfied with the quality of the implantation due to poor aesthetics of the gums surrounding the implant.

Contraindications, in turn, include the following factors:

  • high price;
  • zirconia crowns are poorly suited for the anterior chewing organs. A lot of complaints from patients arise due to the inadequate transparency of the framework and the lesser choice of color shades. This leads to the lack of similarity of artificial prostheses with adjacent teeth in color, transparency;
  • ceramic chips. Despite the strength of the frame, the porcelain layer is much weaker, which makes the structures vulnerable to chipping. For this reason, dentists are not advised to produce porcelain veneered zirconia prostheses in the region of the chewing teeth;
  • abrasion of antagonist teeth. By itself, zirconium dioxide is not subject to abrasion, which cannot be said about neighboring natural teeth. To identify such a problem in a timely manner, periodic inspections are required.

In spite of everything, patients with increased abrasion of dental units should use this type of crowns with caution. In such situations, dentures are also installed on the antagonist teeth on the other jaw.

Service life of a zirconium crown

Typically, dental clinics provide a five-year guarantee for zirconium structures. The material is extremely durable, if it is intended not to be destroyed, its original state will last for several decades. This, in turn, is twice the operational period of cermet products. The key to a long service life is competent care, respect for prostheses.

Indications and contraindications

The high cost of zirconium crowns makes many people refuse to install them. However, there are cases when constructions become simply necessary. Indications include:

  • pathology of internal organs or blood, which excludes the possibility of using other types of prosthetics;
  • the ability and desire to preserve the remains of a natural tooth;
  • the patient is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • complete or partial absence of incisors;
  • allergy to other materials used for prosthetics;
  • the need for prosthetics of 4 or more teeth.

Dentists distinguish a number of the following contraindications for installing zirconium crowns:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Require prior treatment;
  • insufficient natural height of the unit;
  • too deep bite;
  • bruxism (teeth grinding while sleeping at night);
  • mental pathology.

Also, a contraindication is weak immunity after illness.

How is a zirconia crown installed?

This type of prosthetics is performed according to the following steps:

  1. The patient undergoes an examination, including an X-ray of the jaw.
  2. Old fillings are removed, inflammation, caries, cavity problems are treated.
  3. The unit is being sharpened for the structure.
  4. To make the most correct form, a jaw impression is created. This allows you to design a crown that will not stand out against the background of the natural dentition.
  5. While waiting for the prosthesis, the patient is fitted with a temporary plastic analogue and the chewing units are ground.
  6. The color of the design is selected.
  7. Fitting is performed, fixation of the finished prosthesis by means of cement mortar.

Despite the fact that zirconium oxide has an impressive list of positive features, the production and fixation of crowns from such material can be accompanied by some complications. The doctor warns about their occurrence in advance. For this reason, if such claims arise, there can be no such claims. Complications can be expressed in the following form:

  • stomatitis - provoked by excessive pressure of the prosthesis on the soft gum surface. A complication of this kind disrupts blood supply, and, therefore, tissue necrosis. The creation of a small channel between the gum and the structure, which is called a lavage channel, will help prevent prosthetic stomatitis;
  • carious lesion of the abutment teeth - even due to the antibacterial properties of zirconium, poor preparation for the procedure, untreated caries will still remind of themselves. Unfair oral hygiene can contribute to the process.

Zirconium is a hypoallergenic material, which guarantees the absence of allergic reactions, galvanic syndrome in the patient. The development of stomatitis is minimized, because zirconium oxide structures do not exert such pressure as metal ones.

How to care for a zirconia crown?

Compliance with competent care of the structure acts as a guarantee of a long period of their service, reduces the threat of complications, pathologies of the oral cavity. The main nuances include the following manipulations:

  • daily cleaning of dental units in the morning and in the evening. It is necessary to perform the procedure with vertical movements of a toothbrush using high-quality toothpaste. It is advisable to use toothpicks, dental floss as an aid;
  • rinse the mouth with water after each meal. Rinsing with a special antiseptic solution will help prevent the penetration of microbes;
  • solid food should be excluded from consumption, as well as the habit of biting nails, biting off threads, opening lids should be eliminated;
  • it is impossible to clean dentures with a brush with too high bristles;
  • After installing a zirconium crown, you should carefully listen to the dentist's recommendations. It is important to remember that adaptation must be gradual. Often there are complaints of hypersensitivity while taking cold, hot food. To prevent such situations, you need to:

    • carefully care for your teeth according to the recommendations;
    • in the presence of bruxism, use a mouth guard at night;
    • if there is hypersensitivity, avoid eating excessively hot or cold foods, as well as spicy, spicy foods.

    The unpleasant discomfort goes away after a while. A person easily begins to use artificial teeth as if they were family.
